Wednesday, 11 January 2017

Comparing Trump to Hitler is the dogma of the dumb and propaganda for the progressives

The paradox for progressives is that their calls for massive protests against Donald Trump’s presidency because he may abuse their civil rights could become a self-fulfilling prophecy. If protests turn to riots they are likely to overwhelm local police forces giving the federal government cause to send heavily armed federal troops into America’s inner cities.

These disparate groups seem to have little concern that their protests could quickly spin out of control as has been the case on multiple occasions over the past three years, the most recent occurring in Portland, Oregon, two months ago.

Socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) seems willfully blind to the property damage and the bloodshed he is inciting in his call for a “political revolution.” Sanders and his vagabond of Marxists, anarchists and nihilists have announced they will be protesting the Republicans’ new agenda nationwide five days before Trump is sworn in as the 45th president of the United States.

“On January 15, for the first time in the modern history of the Democratic Party, Democrats are going to be organizing rallies all across this country in opposition to the Republican budget…” Sanders told Rachel Maddow in an MSNBC interview last week.

Meanwhile Michael Moore, the malcontent documentary maker who owns nine houses and has an estimated net worth of $50 million, plans to lead a protest so large that Donald Trump will not attend his own inauguration. Moore sent a tweet last week with a link to disrupt the Inauguration protest to his 3.4 million followers.

“D.C. will not be hospitable to the Trump administration,” Moore collaborators wrote. “Every corporation must openly declare whether they side with him or with the people who will suffer at his hands. Thousands will converge and demonstrate resistance to the Trump regime.”

Washington, D.C., will be locked down like a super-max prison because of potential terror attacks, so Moore’s message may not have much of an impact there. But after eight years under Barack Obama’s divisive leadership and the current racial rift, it wouldn’t take much for inner cities to erupt in violence. One only has to look back 50 years and the government crackdown on war and racial equality protestors, or as recently as last November.

Chicago is a case in point. It is a sanctuary city where the homicide rate grew by 57 percent in 2016 with 762 murders. There were also 4,331 shooting victims in Chicago last year. The blame for this mayhem should be laid at the feet of the Democratic Party which has ill-served Chicago citizens since the 1930s.

The sobering Chicago statistics listed above led Trump to tweet that Mayor Rahm Emanuel, President Barack Obama’s chief of staff from 2009 to 2011, should consider federal intervention. Emanuel would never accept the offer as things stand today. But events may sweep aside what the mayor wants or doesn’t want. Agitators have called to arms black supremacists, communists and anarchists.

The name is Trump not von Ribbentrop*

A Newsweek op-ed September 21, 2016, carried this headline: “Just How Similar is Donald Trump to Adolf Hitler?” This is nothing new. One of the winners at the Emmy awards a few days earlier, Jill Soloway, who I am sure is for the most part smart, creative and rational, said Trump is, “the most dangerous monster to ever approach our life time. He’s a complete dangerous monster and at any moment that I have to call him out for being an inheritor of Hitler I will.”

Despite her accolades, Soloway is ignorant of history. Hitler was becoming involved in German politics when the country was on the verge of anarchy. The country was suffering hyperinflation, starvation and bandits of communists and right-wing revolutionaries who fought openly in the streets to replace the ineffective government of the Weimar Republic which lasted 14 tumultuous years.

The unequaled evil within Hitler was spawned by his injuries in the trenches of Europe and his failure as an artist. Throw in a receptive audience beaten down by hyperinflation and surrounded by nations that imposed punitive territorial, military and economic provisions and you have all the ingredients for a Hitler to seize power.

Hitler had begun to frame his final solution in 1925 with the publication of Mein Kampf (My Struggle) written while in prison after his 1923 attempted coup in Munich to seize power. It is the work of an embittered little man who never rose above the rank of corporal and had been an abject failure before and after the war. The book is a clear indicator of his depravity. The sacrifice of millions, he wrote, would have been prevented if “twelve or fifteen thousand of these Hebrew corrupters of the people had been held under poison gas.” He also stated that the nationalization of our masses will succeed only when, aside from the positive struggle for the soul of our people, their international poisoners are exterminated.”

My only message to progressives like Ms. Soloway and media like Newsweek is that their comparisons of Trump to Hitler is at best the thinking of painfully stupid people and at worse a tool for the rabble-rousers. Trump’s poor choice of words on the campaign trail and a public feud with Rosie O’Donnell, along with his political incorrectness, are not evidence that Trump is either dangerous or evil.

Over half of approximately 304,000 German Jews emigrated out of Germany after Hitler became Chancellor of Germany. What is interesting is that despite all the threats from Hollywood’s rich and infamous to move to Canada, none of note did. Cher is not out shopping for a mansion in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, nor has Barbra Streisand been shopping in Burnaby, British Columbia, and, despite his promise, Al Sharpton has not been spotted anywhere in Alberta.

Thankfully the voices of reason also exist. The Federalist wrote on November 7, 2016, that comparing Trump to Hitler is an “idiotic obscenity” and “is the hobgoblin of small minds, a vacuous analogy is the curse of those who are incapable of seeing foolish comparisons.”

Obama has shown little concern in the violence coming out of Chicago or the growing racial divide. During his last month of his presidency he has been harping on his many accomplishments in office. And he has plenty of support from the mainstream media.

In calling attention to the two-hour CNN special titled, “The Legacy of Barack Obama,” host Fareed Zakaria proclaimed that Obama’s presidency may be “the most consequential in history.”

To say Obama’s presidency is of greater consequence than Abraham Lincoln’s is flat out ridiculous. Zakaria is saying the waging and winning of a civil war that involved more than 3 million men and took 625,000 American lives was of less consequence than the Affordable Care Act? Or that the freeing of almost 4 million slaves is less notable than 180 prisoners Obama released from Guantanamo?

Barack Obama accomplished little because he would not work with congress and/or because congress would not work with him.

Enshrining Obama

What we are seeing in the closing days of Obama’s presidency is the mass media’s adulation of him juxtaposed with their animus toward Trump. The liberal’s construct is, Obama versus Trump; good versus bad and black versus white.

Black supremacists, Marxists and anarchists don’t fear Trump. Instead they see ignorant progressives as something they can exploit. Progressives and liberals should fear more what Marxists will do to their country than what Trump will do. But this would require common sense, something most uncommon in progressives.

A sample of this craziness was on FOX News last Thursday night during The O’Reilly Factor.

Two of O’Reilly’s guests were Harvard professor Cornel West, Ph.D. and Revolutionary Communist Party co-founder Carl Dix. Both proclaimed that there must be unrelenting opposition to Trump.

“I’m afraid of the danger and the damage that Donald Trump has already talked about,” said West. “We’re talking about fascism, a strong man with a narcissistic personality who is tied to big business and big military. We want a moral and spiritual awakening.”

Dix said that Americans should take to the streets to protest. “People gave Hitler a chance and we saw what that meant for humanity.”

Rather than condemning anti-Trump protests, Obama has lent tacit support to radical groups such as Black Lives Matter. Shortly after the November election when the protesting intensified, Obama said, “I would not advise people who feel strongly or who are concerned about some of the issues that have been raised during the course of the campaign I wouldn’t advise them to be silent.”It is this kind of loose talk that Obama has been engaged in for eight years that has divided the nation and left it susceptible to massive outbreaks of violence.

Yours in good times and bad,

— John Myers

*Footnote: Joachim von Ribbentrop was Foreign Minister of Nazi Germany from 1938 until 1945.

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