The Internal Revenue Service has confirmed it is going to investigate reports of “pay-to-play” corruption at the Clinton Foundation, but an expert on “Partners in Crime” says the result likely will be just another government “cover-up.”
According to a report from the Daily Caller, IRS Commissioner John Koskinen has referred a complaint about foundation corruption from Congress to his agency’s exempt operations office for investigation.
The IRS, of course, has seen its own scandals in the last couple of years, where its officials admitted they targeted conservative and Christian organizations for a general type of harassment – delays in their form processing and the like, prompting outrage from the American public because of the political nature of the attacks.
Now, the IRS is to be investigating the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation on charges of “public corruption.”
That letter from dozens of members of Congress was directed to the FBI, the IRS and the Federal Trade Commission and charged that the foundation is “lawless.”
Led by Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., the group charges that the foundation’s own paperwork reveal a “lawless ‘pay to play’ enterprise that has been operating under a cloak of philanthropy for years.”
First, the foundation was set up to build and run a library, the letter explains, not conduct “activities outside of the United States.”
Further, it cites, among other issues, the fact that Bill Clinton was an honorary chancellor for Laureate International Universities for five years and was paid $16.5 million – while Laureate “has been a seven-figure donor to the Clinton Foundation.”
Jerome Corsi, author of the new “Partners in Crime: The Clinton’s Scheme to Monetize the White House for Personal Profit,” said, “I expect the decision of the IRS to investigate the Clinton Foundation will involve the same type of cover-up that we saw in the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server.”
He continued, “Under the Democrats’ rule, President Obama has succeeded in politicizing the IRS and the DOJ to an extent I never thought would ever happen in the United States. The IRS has already given a pass to Lois Lerner, the IRS head of the tax-exempt division who took the Fifth Amendment rather than admit she selectively enforced tax-exempt rules, regularly delaying or denying tax-exempt status to conservative tea party groups, while bending over backwards, granting even retroactive approval, for leftist activists seeking 501(c) tax-favored status to advance their political goals.”
Corsi, a New York Times best-selling author, continued, “What I expect out of IRS Commissioner John Koskinen is a conclusion right before the November election that issues a Bagdad Bob-type statement, ‘Move on, folks. Nothing to see here.’ As in the FBI investigation of Hillary’s email scandal, the IRS investigation of the Clinton Foundation will be politically motivated from the get-go, designed to tell the American people just before the voting begins that the Clintons have not intentionally violated any laws in the operation of the Clinton Foundation.”
He said it probably would have been better to let the IRS go – for now.
All “Blackburn has succeed in doing is to provide the IRS another opportunity to cover up Clinton Foundation crimes that any honest investigation would detect,” he said.
The simple explanation, he details in “Partners in Crime,” is that “the Clintons have run the Clinton Foundation as their private piggybank in a classic criminal inurement scheme designed to enrich the Clintons while defrauding the thousands of average people in the United States and around the world who contributed their hard-earned money thinking they were going to advance a charitable purpose.”
He said, “As all grifters and con-artists know, the Clintons have capitalized on the classic scam of exploiting the misery of victims suffering natural calamities, including floods and earthquakes, as well as disease epidemics involving HIV/AIDS, to rake in hundreds of millions of dollars that the Clintons through fraudulent accounting and dishonest regulatory filings can skim off for their personal enrichment.”
The letter cites the reasons for concern, including that “Just last week the Justice Department indicted a member of Congress for soliciting over $800,000 for charitable causes which were used ‘as a personal slush fund.’ The Clinton Foundation colleted $337,985,726.00 in contributions, grants and other revenue in 2014 alone.”
“The foundation has routinely gone behind its pledge to act in furtherance of charitable causes and beyond the scope of activities indicated in its initial filings with the IRS,” the letter said.
“The appearance of “pay to play’ transactions involving Laureate … also raise serious allegations of criminal conduct requiring further examination.”
Koskinen confirmed that he’s forwarded the congressional request to a division of the IRS that regulates foundations and charities.
Blackburn told the Caller she will push for answers on the Clinton Foundation’s practices, including conflicts of interest.
The report explains while Bill Clinton was collecting a paycheck from Laureate and Hillary Clinton was secretary of state, the World Bank arm called International Finance Corporation invested $150 million in the company.
The congressional letter explained, “Public corruption undermines the integrity of representative government and institutions associated with elected or public officials. However, the failure of government agencies to independently assess and investigate the validity of such allegations can have an even more damaging effect.
“We ask that each of your agencies review these allegations pursuant to your jurisdictional charge.”
from PropagandaGuard

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