An immigration watchdog group hopes to repeat the successful campaign that helped unseat Eric Cantor in 2014 by launching a similar ad targeting House Speaker Paul Ryan, highlighting his support for President Obama’s executive amnesty decrees, sanctuary cities for illegals and Syrian refugee resettlement programs.
The ad by Americans for Legal Immigration PAC hammers “Lyin Paul Ryan” for his leading role in negotiating a $1.1 trillion omnibus bill that fully funded Obama’s amnesty plans, sanctuary cities, and expanded refugee program.
While at the same time he was talking publicly against Syrian refugees, Ryan was working behind the scenes to round up the votes to fully fund Obama’s plans to increase the total influx of refugees from 70,000 to 85,000 this year and 100,000 next year. The refugees will come from countries throughout the Third World, including 10,000 this year from Syria, a country infested with jihadists fighting for ISIS, al-Nusra Front, al-Qaida and other religious fanatics trying to bring down secular dictator Bashar Assad. Another 7,500 or more will come from the America-hating Somalia, about 5,000 more from Afghanistan and at least 10,000 from Iraq. Even the Buddhist-majority country of Burma is offloading its Muslim population to the United States, with thousands per year coming from that country.
The ALIPAC ad campaign is modeled after its “Thank Eric Cantor” automated call campaign in 2014 that was broadcast into GOP households via automated calls and radio ads. ALIPAC’s messages and efforts were part of the historic defeat of Cantor, the former Republican House majority leader from Virginia who supported amnesty for illegals. Cantor was defeated in the GOP primary by Dave Brat, R-Va.
ALIPAC launched the campaign against Ryan Friday via automated calls, radio ads planned for talk radio stations in Wisconsin and a YouTube video that activists are being asked to watch and circulate.
The Wisconsin primary is Aug. 9 with Ryan squaring off against businessman Paul Nehlen.
Watch Video: ‘Fire Lyin Paul Ryan to stop Obama’s Amnesty’
Another immigration watchdog, NumbersUSA president Roy Beck, has called Ryan’s stance on immigration “terrifying.” And that stance isn’t about to change, despite any political rhetoric to the contrary, because open borders are embedded in Ryan’s “ideological DNA,” Beck said.
“There’s nobody in the Republican Party who could be worse than Paul Ryan,” Beck told Breitbart last fall when Ryan was being drafted for the Speakership. “He has spent his entire adulthood ideologically connected to the open borders crowd. Open Borders is in his ideological DNA. That’s the terrifying thing. He’s an ideologue and his spent his whole life working for ideologues. Open borders seeps out of every pore of his being. This isn’t personal, it’s just who he is.”
Nehlen is a successful and flamboyant businessman who sports tattoos, rides a motorcycle and drives a dump truck through the district painted with his campaign slogan, “Dump Ryan.” He says Ryan has betrayed Wisconsin and America by agreeing to fully fund President Obama’s immigration plan and Obamacare while championing the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.
On his website, Nehlen lists his top three priorities as follows:
• Reclaim Wisconsin’s 1st District for We The People
• Stop Paul Ryan’s Cronyism & Corruption
• Secure Our Borders & Enforce Existing Immigration Laws
Nehlen says on his website he is against secret trade deals, including the pending Trans Pacific Partnership, which water down U.S. sovereignty and make war on the middle class.
Some big names have lined up behind Nehlen, including Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin and border hawk Ann Coulter.
Palin, the former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate, used the term “Cantored” to describe the push to replace Ryan. This is a reference to the stunning upset of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor by Rep. Dave Brat in Virginia in 2014.
ALIPAC’s first calls have already launched, with 20 to 25 volunteers taking to the phones.
“Ryan is spending millions while lying his butt off to conservatives,” Gheen said. “This is the same strategy used by McCain, Lindsey Graham, and many others. It saved McCain six years ago when he spent millions and lied about his true immigration positon and it was so disappointing to see so many people in Arizona vote for him again when they should understand who he is. And once you go amnesty you never come back. We have never seen a politician honestly be on the wrong side of that issue and then transition to the right side. We’ve seen them back off for a while, but then they always come back. All we’ve seen is lies, lies, lies from Paul Ryan.”
The ad points out that Paul Ryan is Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s ally on immigration.
He is also the ally of Clinton’s globalist vice-presidential running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va.
Kaine said they would pass amnesty within the first 100 days of a Clinton presidency and the reason that would happen was the Democrat’s secret weapon – Paul Ryan.
As the Washington Times reported:
“A new Clinton administration would pursue a bill to legalize illegal immigrants in ‘the first 100 days’ of her tenure, vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine told Spanish-language network Telemundo in an interview Monday… [Kaine] said House Speaker Paul D. Ryan will lead the GOP to embrace legalization.
“He’s on their side,” Gheen told WND. “And yet he’s placing mailers all over his district saying he’s for cracking down on illegal immigration and tightening the borders. He’s making himself out to seem like Sheriff Joe Arpaio, border hawk Paul Ryan, secure the border. He’s a serial liar and traitor to the people of the United States. He has the same job Obama has, and that is to lie to America and to sell out America. That’s what they’re paid for, that’s why they’re in their positions of power.
“We’ve been the ones who have brought the giants down in the past. It doesn’t always work but you’ve got to throw the rock. Today we’re throwing the rock. We need volunteers and donors to go after Paul Ryan with everything we’ve got to muster.”
The most important battle ground in America today is the first district in Wisconsin and its 16-year incumbent, Gheen said. Yet, many Wisconsin conservatives still haven’t figured out that Ryan is a notorious open-borders zealot.
“He’s been up there forever,” Gheen said. “There are some hardcore conservatives who have been voting for Paul Ryan for a long time and they love him and they don’t understand what he really stands for. Our main message is that Paul Ryan is paying for and helping Obama transplant dangerous Muslims into your area.”
“These conservatives who say they like their Paul Ryan and they voted for him so many times before, they don’t realize they’re helping him pump in hundreds of Islamic terrorists right there into their own cities and towns as well as enough illegals that you won’t be able to get a Republican elected as dogcatcher in a few years,” Gheen said. “And everything for these refugees and illegals is paid for by the U.S. taxpayer including their housing, their medical expenses, their education, their Internet access and their cellphone.”
Anyone interested in helping make these calls to defeat Paul Ryan should contact
ALIPAC is also asking for donations to help fund the automated calls and radio ads against Paul Ryan so the message can reach at least 25,000 GOP households in Wisconsin’s 1st district.
from PropagandaGuard
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