Wednesday, 27 July 2016

The Clintons and the rest of Washington are dining on Turkey

The recent failed coup in Turkey was a CIA operation designed to overthrow Turkish strongman Recep Tayyip Erdogan in retaliation for his turning away from Washington and toward Russia’s Vladimir Putin and Syria’s Bashar Assad.

Erdogan is using the coup to clamp down on, imprison, torture — or worse — his opposition… and anyone he holds a grudge against. He is proving to the world he is the despot he was thought to be.

But never mind how the coup turned out, the psychopaths walking the halls of power are making out like bandits.

The Podesta Group, headed up by longtime Clinton crony John Podesta, registered in May to lobby for an outfit called the Alliance for Shared Values, an organization that supports the Turkish-born imam Fehullah Gulen who is living in Pennsylvania and who Erdogan blames for plotting the coup. Gulen came to the U.S. in 1999 and gained a visa through the CIA and remains a CIA asset.

Hillary Clinton’s ties to Gulen go way back, and the Hillary email scandal is the gift that keeps giving. One of the emails turned up by Judicial Watch from 2009 has a Gulen follower named Gokhan Ozkok asking the Witch from Chappaqua’s Chief of Staff Huma Abedin for help in connecting allies of the Gulen Movement with President Barack Obama.

Gulen allies gave money to the Clinton campaign, to the Clinton Global Initiative and to the Clinton Foundation.

Ozkok himself served as national finance co-chair of the pro-Clinton Ready PAC and gave $10,000 to the PAC in 2014 and $2,700 to the SHillary campaign last year. He’s also given between $25,000 and $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation.

Meanwhile, former House Majority Leader and Clinton-supporting Democrat super delegate Richard Gephardt – a registered foreign agent of Turkey – has a $1.7 million, 11-month lobbying contract signed with the Turkish Embassy in Washington. And Turkey has spent $600,000 with a Washington law firm in an effort to secure Gulen’s extradition to Turkey from America.

Also milking the Turkey situation are Thomas Blank, a former communications director for former House Speaker – and one of the finalists to have been Donald Trump’s vice president nominee —  Newt Gingrich. Blank, according to a Foreign Agents Registration filing, has been hired to lobby for Turkey. And that country also hired former Republican Minnesota Congressman Vin Weber for $20,000 per month to help with “consulting” on Gulen’s extradition.

Sibel Edmonds, the former FBI interpreter turned whistleblower over the 9/11 FBI “investigation” cover-up,  has reported that three of the five elements behind the Turkish coup are part of NATO’s Rapid Deployable Corps. The coup members used a What’sApp group to communicate among themselves, and Edmonds has interpreted the intercepted communications from the group and exposed it on her Boiling Frogs Post blog.

She also notes NBC’s participation in the coup via its false reporting that Erdogan had fled the country and had sought asylum in Germany.

As a reminder, NBC is the network that gave Clinton daughter Chelsea a part-time correspondent’s job at a salary of $600,000 even though she had no training as a reporter, no on-air experience and had always eschewed the press. Even NBC staffers realized her hire was designed to curry favor with the Clintons.

H/T: HeatStreet 

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