President Obama traveled late last year to Paris for an international conference so he could hype alarm over global warming.
He suggested at the time such an event was a “fitting response to the terrorist attacks that cost the lives of 130 people in and around Paris on Nov. 13,” the New York Times reported.
That’s even though the campaign against global warming has morphed into a campaign against “climate change” because there isn’t any more warming, and a new movie charges the entire effort is a “hustle” to redistribute the free world’s wealth.
The message Obama delivered cost American taxpayers more than $4 million.
The Washington watchdog Judicial Watch said it had obtained records from the Secret Service, the Air Force and others “detailing the costs of Obama’s trip to attend the 2015 Paris Climate Change Conference.”
Read “The Roots of Obama’s Rage” and other works by Dinesh D’Souza.
Secret Service charges for Obama and his staff cost taxpayers $1,324,171.60 and flight expenses were $2,840,896.80, totaling at least $4,165,068.40 for the trip.
“To date, Obama’s known travel expenses total $83,795,502.33,” Judicial Watch said.
It had sought the records through a Freedom of Information Act request last January, and the documents were released months later.
The Secret Service-related expenses include $82,991 on air and rail travel, $706,065 on Parisian hotels, $531,598 for rental vehicles, $10,820 in overtime pay, $2,562 on cell phones, $679 on cell phone usage, $652 to rent a copier and $624 miscellaneous.
“Obama’s Paris junket is another example of wasteful and unnecessary presidential travel that abuses the taxpayers, the military, and the U.S. Secret Service,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton.
The report details that the Secret Service detail stayed in a number of Parisian hotels, including the InterContinental Paris Le Grand, a historic hotel built in 1862 that is called a “luxury” hotel that “defines historic grandeur.”
The Hilton Astor, Marriott Ambassador, Marriott Rive Gauche and Mercure Tour Eiffel also were used for government employee accommodations.
According to Air Force documents, two planes were used for the trip to Paris, both Air Force One and a C-32A, which is generally used by either the secretary of state or the first lady.
Air Force One traveled 14.4 hours at $180,118 per hour for a total of $2,593,699.20. The C-32A traveled 15.6 hours at $15,846 per hour for a total of $247,197.60.
Other expenses not included in the current totals were for additional cabinet members’ travel and catering, Secret Service meals and meeting rooms.
Travel to the climate change event also burned 300,000 tons of carbon dioxide “seemingly defeating the purpose of the meeting of world leaders,” Judicial Watch said.
“Critics also contend President Obama’s executive action implementing the Paris Climate Agreement circumvents the constitutional requirement that treaties become law only after ratification by the U.S. Senate,” Judicial Watch reported.
Arguments against climate-change alarmism are surging.
The new movie “Climate Hustle” exposes “the history of climate scares including global cooling; debunks outrageous claims about temperatures, extreme weather, and the so-called ‘consensus;’ exposes the increasingly shrill calls to ‘act immediately before it’s too late,’ and in perhaps the film’s most important section, profiles key scientists who sued to believe in climate alarm but have since converted to skepticism.”
Marc Morano, a former Republican political aide who founded and runs the climate-skeptic website, hosted the movie and said on the political campaign over global warming: “It’s all an attempt to silence the debate, to silence any science and go right to centralized planning. That’s what this is all about. The U.N. has admitted their goal is wealth redistribution and it doesn’t have anything to do with environmental policy.”
WND previously has reported Judicial Watch’s documentation of Obama’s travel expenses.
Earlier in July, the group reported that his total expenditure of taxpayer money on vacations was bumping $80 million.
Judicial Watch said then the newest information it had obtained showed the Obama family’s August 2015 vacation on Martha’s Vineyard cost taxpayers $465,420.49 in Secret Service expenses alone. The records also show Obama’s trip in July 2014 to Seattle and Los Angeles “solely for fund-raising, specifically to boost the treasuries of two ‘super pacs’” cost taxpayers $237,731.04 for hotels, $19,888.70 for rental cars and $1,451.40 for air or rail travel.
Read “The Roots of Obama’s Rage” and other works by Dinesh D’Souza.
“Judicial Watch previously reported that Air Force transportation expenses for this trip cost taxpayers $2,425,085.50 – bringing the grand total to $2,684,145.60.”
At the time, Fitton said taxpayers “should be incensed that the Secret Service’s resources [are] wasted to provide security for endless golf excursions, political fundraisers, and luxury vacations.”
“President Obama’s travel is a scandal. It’s about his abuse of the office and his abuse of hard-earned taxpayer dollars.”
At that time, “The current grand total of known Obama travel-related expenses now stands at $79,630,433.93,” Judicial Watch said.
WND reported that when Obama was candidate in 2008, he told an interviewer that as the occupant of the Oval Office his vacations, his leisure and even his need for sleep would be sacrificed for the sake of the nation.
The comment came in an interview with New York Times columnist Bob Herbert. It was recorded in 2008 but apparently not published online until 2012.
In context, Obama said: “You have to understand that if you seek that office, you have to be prepared to give your life to it. Essentially the burden that any president, I think, strikes, with the American people is, um, you give me this office and in turn my, fears, doubts, insecurities, foibles, need for sleep, family life, vacations, leisure is gone. I am giving myself to you.”
He continued: “The American people should have no patience for whatever is going through your head because you’ve got a job to do. How I think about it is, um, that you don’t make that decision unless you are prepared to make that sacrifice … that bargain.”
And he noted: “I think what’s difficult and important for somebody like myself, who has a wonderful forbearing wife, and two gorgeous young children, is that they end up having to make some of those sacrifices, too.”
Hear the interview:
Since then, the Obama family routinely has spent weeks in Hawaii over Christmas breaks, golf trips in Palm Springs, family outings to New York, summer vacations on Martha’s Vineyard and more. The family also has vacationed in Africa and China.
WND reported Malia Obama’s March 2012 spring-break vacation to Mexico cost taxpayers at least $115,000.
When the Obamas went to Northern Ireland, at a taxpayer expense of $7.9 million, it cost taxpayers $251,000 just for Michelle Obama and her daughters to go sightseeing in Dublin.
When Michelle Obama and her girls went to China, along with Michelle Obama’s mother, they stayed in a suite costing $8,350 per night. A “well-placed hotel staffer” told the London Daily Mail that the staff was “fed up” with the entourage.
“We can’t wait for this to be over, to tell you the truth,” a member of the concierge staff told the newspaper. “The first lady is gracious, and the girls are lovely.”
But he said Marian Robinson, Michelle Obama’s mother, had been “barking at the staff.”
from PropagandaGuard
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