Thursday, 31 March 2016

Pro-life, not pro-punishment

During a Wednesday interview with MSNBC’s Chris Matthews, Republican frontrunner Donald Trump stepped on his own tongue. Trump, whose “devil-may-care” attitude towards commenting on policy issues about which he has little understanding, pronounced himself “pro-life.” Unfortunately for Trump, he’d caught Matthews, long relegated to the role of MSNBC’s drunk uncle, on one of his “good” days.

Matthews pressed Trump to define his pro-life position, to which Trump responded with hemming, hawing, and ultimately an idea that women who might violate a future ban on abortion should be subject to “some form of punishment, yeah.”

Trump’s remarks, as is so often the case with a hip-shooter like “The Donald,” reflect a position shared by almost no one. While the anti-life forces shrieked bloody murder, pro-life groups quickly moved to distance themselves from his draconian “plan.”

Of course, Trump later “walked back” the comments; evidently forgetting that only Democrats are allowed to “walk” anything anywhere. The long-term blowback, should there be any, remains to be seen. But the short-term fallout is predictably noisy — and predictably wrong.

Lost in the hue and cry over statements made by one man was the deeper — and very real — problem. Whatever Trump may or may not believe about abortion, he blundered into what strikes me as the most ridiculous “third rail” issue in American politics. The anti-life movement, including Democrat candidates Hillary Clinton and Senator Bernie Sanders — both of whom eagerly piled on their condemnatory conflation of Trump and all pro-life people — treats abortion as somehow sacrosanct. Indeed, anyone who in any way threatens the “right” to kill a child as a matter of convenience learns the same lesson Trump now knows: the holiest of liberal issues is among the unholiest of crimes.

We now live in a country in which the easiest path to the highest office in the land is to stand up for an act which contravenes the essence of humanity, morality and even biology. An entire major political party predicates its presidential qualifications on a candidate’s agreement with Margaret Sanger, a eugenicist who believed blacks to be “human weeds” and “human waste” whom she wished to “exterminate.”

The Democrats vie for the endorsement of her organization, Planned Parenthood, the same people who gifted humanity with “physicians” like Kermit Gosnell. What Trump learned, albeit through his own garrulousness, is that the anti-life movement, now among the most powerful blocs in the Democrat tent, has replaced “do no harm” with “dilate and extract.”

They’re not angry with Trump because he ostensibly threatened women with “punishment.” They’re angry with Trump because he ostensibly threatened abortion itself. It should be noted that the anti-lifers are far more outraged by Trump’s ill-advised comments than they ever were by Gosnell’s abominable crimes.

The pro-life movement isn’t about punishing women. The pro-life movement isn’t about punishment at all. It’s about protecting those least able to protect themselves. Pro-lifers aren’t racist; although given the genocidal toll abortion has exacted from the black community, I’m not sure the same could be said about their anti-life counterparts.

Trump’s blather certainly doesn’t represent the pro-life movement. I’m not certain it represents Trump’s own thoughts on the issue, whatever they might be.

However, if the anti-life horde insists on using his words to smear everyone who recognizes abortion for what it is — a crime — then it’s perfectly reasonable to point out that they not only created monsters like Gosnell, they endorsed what he did.

Since 1973, nearly 60 million American children have met their end in abattoirs like the one Gosnell built. That’s the equivalent of the combined populations of California and New York. It’s telling that the same anti-lifers who feign fury over Trump’s off-the-cuff remarks about “punishment” don’t seem bothered by that statistic at all.

— Ben Crystal

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Just plain fools: Liberalism is a mental disorder

Cultural appropriation, safe spaces, public breakdowns and cretaphobia. In honor of April Fools’ Day, here are just a few examples of how the American left is going insane.

American college students are suffering psychological breakdowns over…. sidewalk chalk.

I wish it were a joke, but it isn’t. Grown children on American college campuses are being tormented by the same dusty menace that facilitated games of hopscotch during their, presumably more comfortable, days of sippy cups and footy pajamas.

First, someone at Emory University dared to support Donald Trump in sidewalk chalk and all hell broke loose.

Via the school’s student paper:

Students protested yesterday at the Emory Administration Building following a series of overnight, apparent pro-Donald Trump for president chalkings throughout campus.

Roughly 40 students gathered shortly after 4:30 p.m. in the outdoors space between the Administration Building and Goodrich C. White Hall; many students carried signs featuring slogans such as “Stop Trump” or “Stop Hate” and an antiphonal chant addressed to University administration, led by College sophomore Jonathan Peraza, resounded “You are not listening! Come speak to us, we are in pain!” throughout the Quad. Peraza opened the door to the Administration Building and students moved forward towards the door, shouting “It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other and support each other. We have nothing to lose but our chains.”

After approximately ten minutes outside from the start of the demonstration, the gathered students were ushered into the Quad-facing entrance to the Administration Building and quickly filled a staircase to continue their demonstration. Pausing in the staircase, a few students shared their initial, personal reactions to the chalkings.

“I’m supposed to feel comfortable and safe [here],” one student said. “But this man is being supported by students on our campus and our administration shows that they, by their silence, support it as well … I don’t deserve to feel afraid at my school,” she added.

The worst part is that the college’s administration actually responded to the complaints.

And over in Michigan, cretaphobia (that’s what fear of chalk is called, in case you wondered) struck again. So terrifying were the messages scrawled on the sidewalk that the police had to get involved.

From The Washington Times:

University of Michigan police were called Wednesday after students reported seeing the phrases “#Stop Islam” and “Trump 2016” scrawled in chalk at several locations on campus.

A student tweeted a photo of the chalkings on Wednesday. Police responded that evening to document the messages…

“We will continue to monitor campus and work with our campus partners to ensure our students have a safe environment to live, learn and dialogue,” said Diane Brown, U-M Division of Public Safety and Security public information officer.

University spokesman Rick Fitzgerald said several reports were also filed with the school’s bias response team.

“Attacks directed toward any member or group within the University of Michigan community, based on a belief or characteristic, are inconsistent with our values of respect, civility and equality,” the university said in a statement. “We all understand that where speech is free it will sometimes wound. But our message is this: We are fully committed to fostering an environment that is welcoming and inclusive of everyone. Tonight we are reminded there is much work yet to be done.”


White people are not allowed to have nasty, unwashed hair

That’s according to the woman in this video, who attacked a San Francisco college student because of his attempt at dreadlocks.

The white San Francisco State University student wearing dreadlocks was physically assaulted by the black woman for “cultural appropriation.”

“You’re saying I can’t wear a hairstyle because of your culture? Why?” he asked.

The woman replied: “Because it’s my culture.”

She also appears to own the rights to ignorance and antisocial behavior.

A lesson in the consequences of actual assault

The anti-Trump crowd certainly knows a thing or two about claiming assault. Well, this girl in Kansas City tried her hand at the favorite pastime of non-Trump supporters who— for some reason keep showing up at pro-Trump rallies— before actually assaulting another person on camera.

Then she got pepper sprayed.

The police are reportedly investigating.

And then there’s this guy…

He hates Trump, he smokes weed—and he sucks at backflips.

A description posted alongside the video: “Donald Trump held a rally today in Janesville, Wisconsin. Police were forced to put up a fence so the Never-Trumpers wouldn’t beat and bludgeon the Donald Trump supporters. Conservative filmmakers Andrew Marcus and Jeremy Segal filmed the violent anti-Trump demonstrators. One unhinged Never-Trumper screamed “F*ck you! Fat B*tch!” – Then back-flipped into a face-plant.”

Happy April Fools’! Keep it classy.

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Words ‘illegal’ and ‘alien’ banished from public libraries

Pro-immigration groups have successfully pressured the United States Library of Congress to remove the words “illegal” and “alien” from materials because the words are considered “pejorative” to people who enter the country illegally. The move will affect all U.S. libraries.

Fusion reported that the change was made in response to a group of illegal alien students at Dartmouth College: “If you visit your local library today to research undocumented immigrants, you’ll probably find the books are housed in a section with the subject heading “illegal aliens”—a term that immigrant-rights groups say is racially charged and dehumanizing. The nation’s leading news organizations, including this one, have banned the phrase unless it’s used in a quote. But soon that’s going to change, thanks to a group of undocumented students at Dartmouth College in New Hampshire.”

“After seeing the dehumanizing word [illegal alien] so many times, I wondered if that’s how Dartmouth thought of undocumented students,” one of the students told Fusion.

The group of students petitioned the college to alter its subject headings, which are furnished by the U.S. Library of Congress. So librarians at the school teamed up with the group of illegal immigrant students to make the nation’s library change its headings.

And it worked.

“In response to constituent requests, the Policy and Standards Division of the Library of Congress, which maintains Library of Congress Subject Headings, has thoroughly examined and discussed the status of the headings ‘Aliens’ and Illegal aliens.’ PSD has determined that the heading ‘Aliens’ should be revised to ‘Noncitizens.’ The heading ‘Illegal aliens’ will be cancelled and replaced by two headings, ‘Noncitizens’ and ‘Unauthorized immigration,’ which may be assigned together to describe resources about people who are in a country illegally,” said a statement from the Library of Congress.

As a consequence, libraries throughout North America that rely on records distributed by the Library of Congress will also be forced to adopt the new soft language when indexing information on illegal immigrants.

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An old example of the elite’s subtle propaganda

The global elite use both overt and subtle propaganda to shape the American psyche. Much of the subtle propaganda comes from Hollywood.

Hollywood, working on behalf of the globalists, began decades ago working subtly to destroy the family unit. Beginning in the 1960s, Hollywood began featuring non-traditional families as the norm. Even though the shows then contained much less offensive material in their plots than today’s shows, shows like My Three Sons, Beverly Hillbillies, Courtship of Eddie’s Father, Family Affair and The Andy Griffith Show featured non-traditional families with single fathers.

Maude was four-time divorced/married promoter of abortion and women’s liberation. The Lucy Show featured a widowed Lucille Ball and her divorced friend Vivian.

Hollywood also drove the pro-homosexual, pro-gay marriage agenda beginning with shows like Soap, LA Law, Law & Order, NYPD Blue, Dawson’s Creek, Glee, Modern Family, The Good Wife, Game of Thrones, Nashville, and many more, especially those introduced in the last several years. Looking at a list of current shows, it’s difficult to find one that doesn’t have one more sodomite characters.

Sometimes the propaganda reveals the the truth to us, but does so in a way that makes the truth seem absurd. This serves the globalist’s need to throw us off the scent when they perceive the masses are on to them.

I recently stumbled across an example of this from a 1981 episode of the police-based sitcom Barney Miller.

In the episode, a “conspiracy nut” was arrested for infiltrating the offices of the Trilateral Commission. When the “nut” explained what the Trilateral Commission was up to, “a scheme to plant their own loyal members in positions of power in this country to work to erase national boundaries, create an international community and, in time, bring about a one world government with David Rockefeller calling the shots,” the laugh track naturally followed.

Ha. Ha. Crazy conspiracy theorist. And where did he get his information? From papers called “Conspiracy Review,” and “Suppressed Truths Roundup.” Yuck, yuck goes the sound track.

The “nut” says, “No matter who won in November, they had their man in the White House.” How absurd.

So who are members of the Trilateral Commission? The “nut” names James Earl Carter, Henry Kissinger, Walter Mondale, John Anderson, George Bush (the elder).

But there are others; many others in prominent positions of power and influence both in and out of government. They are people like Madelein K. Albright, Admiral Dennis B. Blair, Michael Bloomberg, David Brooks, Michael Chertoff, David Gergen, Jamie S. Gorelick, Richard N. Haass, Jane Harman, Jon Huntsman Jr., Jeffrey Reuben, Admiral Michael Mullen, Joseph S. Nye Jr., Peter R. Orszag, Thomas Pickering, Olympia Snowe, Lawrence Summers, Strobe Talbott, Paul A. Volcker, Mortimer B. Zuckerman and others: significant players in politics and both Democrat and Republican regimes, corporations, the media, academia and the most prominent think tanks.

The founding members were Zbigniew Brzezinski, Carter’s National Security Advisor who previously served as a Rockefeller aid and specialist on international affairs; Henry D. Owen, Foreign Policy Studies director with the Brookings Institution think tank; Robert R. Bowie, director of the Harvard Center for International Affairs; Gerard C. Smith, Salt I negotiator, Rockefeller in-law and first North American chairman; Marshall  Hornblower, former partner at the law firm Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering (Lloyd Cutler — the “Cutler” part of the firm — later became White House Counsel to both Carter and Bill Clinton, and another firm partner, C. Boyden Gray, was White House Counsel to George H.W. Bush, and still another partner, Jamie Gorelick was Deputy Attorney General under Clinton, served as vice chairman of Fannie Mae and became famous for a memo she wrote that created a “wall” limiting the sharing of information between federal agencies that ostensibly led to intelligence failures precipitating 9/11 (she was the brainchild behind Fannie Mae’s purchases of subprime loans which contributed to the 2008 housing collapse); William Scranton, former Pennsylvania governor; Edwin Reishauer, former U.S. Ambassador to Japan; Alan Greenspan, former Fed chairman; and Paul Volker, former Fed chairman. Of course we know the Commission’s desire is to control who gets into the White House, what that person does when he/she gets there, and to create a North American Union as a prelude to One World Government. And they told us as much 35 years ago. Yuck. Yuck.

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New Wisconsin poll: Cruz leading Trump by 10 points

(WeeklyStandard) A new Fox Business poll of the Wisconsin GOP presidential primary shows Ted Cruz leading Donald Trump 42 percent to 32 percent, with John Kasich in third place at 19 percent. Cruz leads Trump among nearly every demographic group except for independents:

Among just those who say they will “definitely” vote, Cruz’s lead over Trump widens to 46-33 percent, and Kasich gets 16 percent.

There is a big gender gap. Women back Cruz over Trump by a 19-point margin (46-27 percent). The two candidates are much closer among men: Cruz gets 40 percent to Trump’s 35 percent.

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Trump hitting rock-bottom in ratings with women

(Politico) Just how bad are Donald Trump’s problems with women? Bad enough that roughly seven out of 10 women voters in recent polls say they have a negative impression of him. And that was before the news coverage of his threat to “spill the beans” about Ted Cruz’s wife and his talk about punishing women who have abortions.

Trump is already so dangerously underwater with female voters — who represent a majority of the electorate — that it raises questions about whether a GOP ticket led by the billionaire could lead to a historic gender gap and blowout defeat.

The percentages of women who had an unfavorable or negative impression of Trump in recent public polls are staggering: 67 percent (Fox News), 67 percent (Quinnipiac University), 70 percent (NBC News/Wall Street Journal), 73 percent (CNN/ORC) and 74 percent (ABC News/Washington Post).

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Social-justice warriors target Robert E. Lee statue

(Breitbart) The perpetually offended are at the gate once again, trying to dismantle culture, education, and the very fabric of history. This time their target is the Robert E. Lee statue in the Lee Park of Charlottesville, Virginia, a statue over which supporters and opponents of its removal from the park clashed last Tuesday at a press conference called by Vice Mayor Wes Ballamy of Charlottesville.

President Rick Turner of the Albemarle-Charlottesville NAACP chapter explained why the city should remove the statue:

On a petition, high-schooler Zyahna Bryant terms the statue “very offensive,” explaining that “Robert E. Lee fought for perpetual bondage of slaves and the bigotry of the South that kept most black citizens as slaves and servants for the entirety of their lives.” This same petition has a grand total of 681 signatures at the time of publication, a tiny number when compared with the over 8,000 likes amassed by a Facebook page in favor of preserving the statue.

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How to hack an election

(Bloomberg) It was just before midnight when Enrique Peña Nieto declared victory as the newly elected president of Mexico. Peña Nieto was a lawyer and a millionaire, from a family of mayors and governors. His wife was a telenovela star. He beamed as he was showered with red, green, and white confetti at the Mexico City headquarters of the Institutional Revolutionary Party, or PRI, which had ruled for more than 70 years before being forced out in 2000. Returning the party to power on that night in July 2012, Peña Nieto vowed to tame drug violence, fight corruption, and open a more transparent era in Mexican politics.

Two thousand miles away, in an apartment in Bogotá’s upscale Chicó Navarra neighborhood, Andrés Sepúlveda sat before six computer screens. Sepúlveda is Colombian, bricklike, with a shaved head, goatee, and a tattoo of a QR code containing an encryption key on the back of his head. On his nape are the words “” and “” stacked atop each other, dark riffs on coding. He was watching a live feed of Peña Nieto’s victory party, waiting for an official declaration of the results.

When Peña Nieto won, Sepúlveda began destroying evidence. He drilled holes in flash drives, hard drives, and cell phones, fried their circuits in a microwave, then broke them to shards with a hammer. He shredded documents and flushed them down the toilet and erased servers in Russia and Ukraine rented anonymously with Bitcoins. He was dismantling what he says was a secret history of one of the dirtiest Latin American campaigns in recent memory.

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Clinton aide could prove criminal acts in Hillary probe

Hillary Clinton

NEW YORK – Justin Cooper, a little-known Clinton political operative with important financial ties to both Bill and Hillary Clinton, is certain to be at the center of the “official acts” part of the FBI investigation into Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email server, which is examining whether she committed criminal acts by using her State Department office to influence donations to the Clinton Foundation.

Cooper was copied in an email that shows, contrary to Hillary Clinton’s original claims, she used more than one private account while serving as secretary of state.

As first reported by Breitbart in September 2015, archived Internet records establish that Hillary Clinton’s private email server was registered to Justin Cooper on Jan. 13, 2009, approximately one month before she was sworn in as secretary of state.

Breitbart noted that Cooper was listed as the registrant of Clinton’s private email server until Jan. 30, 2013, when control over the server was transferred to Denver-based Platte River Network. The server was re-registered to Perfect Privacy, LLC, a company “that takes over registrant duties and enters its own meaningless Florida contact information into domain databases to hide the true ownership after she left the State Department.”

The “Stop Hillary” campaign is on fire! Join the surging response to this theme: “Clinton for prosecution, not president”

Cooper began working in the White House as an intern in 1999 then became a Clinton body man, carrying Bill Clinton’s bags and answering his cell phone. He advanced to become a senior adviser to Bill Clinton and a fundraiser for the Clinton Foundation and the Clinton Global Initiative, as well as a senior adviser to Teneo, a corporate advisor fund established by Doug Band, another former body man for President Clinton.

Hillary violated law?

An email released as a result of a Judicial Watch FOIA request shows that on Oct. 28, 2009, Secretary Clinton, using her email account, copied Band and Cooper on a message regarding politics in the European Union and the U.K. that was supplied by former confident Sidney Blumenthal.

“I’m copying Doug and Justin who are traveling w Bill since he will be in Europe and may have some ideas about what could be done, and asking that they share it w him and then get back to you. If you have any other ideas I will let you know.”

The email is important because it conflicts with a declaration by Hillary Clinton’s attorney David Kendall to Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C., the chairman of the Select Committee on Benghazi, that was not an email address that existed during Hillary Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state. Kendall claimed she exclusively used the now-infamous account.

Judicial Watch also pointed out the email is important because in October 2009, Band and Cooper were key members of Bill Clinton’s personal office and the Clinton Foundation. The email was aimed at promoting a Blumenthal scheme to make former British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the president of the European Council, an influential arm of the European Union, a close associate of Bill Clinton in Clinton Foundation activities, without concern that Secretary Clinton might be “secretly lobbying for a result in a foreign election.”

The Nov. 6, 2015, Judicial Watch press release continued, noting that within two years, however, Blair “would receive another plum post.”

“Blair – along with Band, Cooper, Bill Clinton himself and many outgoing senior State Department officials – were put on the payroll of another Clinton-affiliated entity, Teneo Holdings.”

A tale of two investigations

As WND reported March 1, former U.S. Attorney Joseph DiGenova explained there are two FBI investigations going on simultaneously, with the first addressing Hillary Clinton’s private server and possible violations of the national security laws regarding the handling of classified information.

The second probe is what Justice Department prosecutors call an “official acts” investigation regarding a possible correlation between “official acts” performed by Hillary Clinton as secretary of state, her office and the State Department, and large donations made to the Clinton Foundation by countries, corporations and individuals.

“The second investigation is more complex, more document-oriented, more subpoena-oriented investigation, but it is clearly underway,” diGenova said.

“The inspector general at the State Department has started a similar, parallel investigation to determine whether or not official acts were committed by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her staff in exchange for contributions to various Clinton Foundation initiatives,” he added.

“The nexus between the ‘official acts’ and contributions to Clinton Foundation initiatives is becoming so clear and the evidence has convinced me that if the Justice Department has not already convened a grand jury, there is no doubt there’s corruption within the Justice Department,” he said.

Last September, WND reported that longtime aide Huma Abedin was the nexus between Secretary Clinton and various Clinton Foundation scandals. While a State Department employee, Abedin authored numerous emails that kept Hillary Clinton apprised of Clinton Foundation activities and in touch with key people in the Clinton sphere of influence. The recipients included Cooper and Band, who employed Abedin at Teneo while Abedin also held her State Department job as an aide to Secretary Clinton.

WND further reported emails transmitted via Clinton’s private email server reveal Abedin continued to interact with individuals connected with Teneo and the Clinton Foundation, including Cooper and Band, even after she was deemed a “special government employee” in a part-time consultancy with the State Department in the summer of 2012, following her return from maternity leave.

Raised $400 million for Clinton Foundation

Cooper’s biography posted at Decisions Sciences Security Solutions, a security firm specializing in the detection of radiological and nuclear threats, specifies Cooper helped raised more than $400 million to fund Clinton Foundation programs and to build the Clinton Presidential Center in Little Rock, Arkansas.

“[Justin Cooper] has played a crucial role in managing the development of the foundation into one of the most recognized global philanthropic brands fostering the development of new programs and building strong relationships with donors and trustees to support the work,” the biography reads. “Cooper is also responsible for the management of the [Bill Clinton’s] professional and personal relationships.

“In this capacity, he has traveled the world with the president participating in bilateral meetings with foreign dignitaries and advising him on his role in summits with world leaders, speaking engagements, fundraisers, conferences and other events — most notably, the president’s transition from public to private life and his efforts working with former Presidents Bush in disaster recovery after the tsunami in South East Asia, hurricanes Katrina and Rita and the hurricanes and earthquake that devastated Haiti,” the biography continues.

Peter Schweizer, in his book “Clinton Cash,” devoted a chapter to Haiti in which he argued Bill Clinton’s appointment as U.N. special envoy to the island nation in 2009 positioned him to take personal financial advantage of aftermath of the 2010 earthquake.

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Christian law firm to defend N.C. bathroom-privacy bill

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory has incurred the wrath of corporate America and Democrats nationwide by signing a bill that will prevent transgender men from entering women's public restrooms and showers.

North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory has incurred the wrath of corporate America and Democrats nationwide by signing a bill that will prevent transgender men from entering women’s public restrooms and showers.

Liberty Counsel announced it will offer North Carolina free legal services to defend the state’s new law preventing transgender men from entering women’s public bathrooms, showers and locker rooms.

House Bill 2, otherwise known as the Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act, passed by an overwhelming majority of the North Carolina Legislature last week and was signed into law by Gov. Pat McCrory.

The law bans local governments from passing “anti-discrimination” ordinances and requires transgender people to use the public restrooms that align with their biological gender.

The law has come under fierce attack from Democrats nationwide including the Obama administration along with corporate allies of the LGBT-rights movement. McCrory called it a “vicious nationwide smear campaign” and called out N.C. Attorney General Roy Cooper for refusing to defend the law against legal challenges from the ACLU and others.

By getting professional sports leagues, the Hollywood film industry and corporate America to line up against the law the political left has been able to turn a common-sense privacy issue into an economic issue, said the governor in a 5-minute Youtube video.

Watch video message from Gov. Pat McCrory imploring his state’s attorney general to “do his job.”


Mathew Staver, founder and chair of Liberty Counsel, a Florida-based public interest legal agency that fights for family values and religious freedom, sent a letter Thursday to North Carolina lawmakers notifying them that his organization will stand in the gap for North Carolina and defend its new law.

The ACLU has already sued the state on behalf of two transgender people and a lesbian professor.

But Cooper, a Democrat candidate for governor running against McCrory, has refused to defend the law in court.

N.C. Attorney General Roy Cooper has refused to defend his state's law banning transgender men from entering women's restrooms and locker rooms.

N.C. Attorney General Roy Cooper has refused to defend his state’s law banning transgender men from entering women’s restrooms and locker rooms.

The law was enacted after the city of Charlotte opened women’s public bathrooms to men who believe they are women. The new state law supersedes the Charlotte ordinance declaring it null and void.

Cooper, the attorney general, called the law “a national embarrassment” that “will set North Carolina’s economy back if we don’t repeal it.”

“I think the attorney general is a national embarrassment quite frankly,” Staver told WND. “Does Mr. Cooper, the attorney general really, honestly, want to open up public bathrooms and showers to men and put the privacy of women and young girls at risk? Is that really what he wants?”

The ACLU says the bill, which concerns who uses which public restrooms, discriminates against lesbian-gay-bisexual-transgender-queers or LGBTQ people.

Staver said Cooper’s steadfast refusal to defend the law is unethical and grounds for impeachment.

“This attorney general is elected by the people to defend the laws of North Carolina. He has an obligation to do so, and if he cannot do that for any reason he needs to hire outside counsel or have someone else in his office do the work,” Staver told WND. “But he doesn’t have the option of just not doing his job. This is political maneuvering that has no business among these attorneys general but we’re seeing it more and more. They decide not to do their jobs to defend their states and they put themselves at odds with their client, which in this case is the state of North Carolina, and the state has made its intent very clear in this case.”

Read WND’s in-depth report from earlier this week on how one governor, in North Carolina, stood up to corporate pressure while another, in Georgia, did not.

Staver said a private attorney could never get away with such blatantly unethical behavior.

“It would be like undermining or refusing to provide representation to your client at the critical moment when they need it,” Staver said. “Any other attorney would be disciplined for such action, for undermining the defense of their own client. I think he is violating his own ethical code governing his actions as an attorney regardless of his position as attorney general and he could also face impeachment for not doing his job.”

Dr. Michael Brown exposes the true agenda of the radical LGBT movement in his new book, “Outlasting the Gay Revolution: 8 Principles for Long Term Cultural Change.”

In his Youtube video, McCrory described the forces lining up against North Carolina as hypocritical bullies.

“The attorney general is inventing conflict that simply does not exist. When you are a state’s lawyer you are a lawyer first and a politician second,” McCrory said. “Therefore I’d like to encourage the attorney general to reconsider his flawed logic. I am fulfilling my oath of office as governor of North Carolina and we expect him to do the same as the attorney general of North Carolina. As elected officials we don’t get to choose the perfect circumstances that surround the decisions we have to make under very difficult circumstances.

“At the end of the day the General Assembly acted within the provisions of the Constitution and presented me with a bill that, while it may not be perfect, provided protection for a basic expectation of privacy in public restrooms and locker rooms. I signed that bill because if I didn’t on April 1 this year the basic expectation of privacy would be violated.”

Staver said Liberty Counsel was encouraged to see the resolve of the North Carolina Legislature and McCrory in enacting the law but called Cooper’s refusal to defend the law “a disturbing commentary on modern legal ethics.”

“He is clearly putting his political ambitions above the law,” said Staver, whose letter was sent to Speaker of the House Tim Moore and President Pro-Tem Phil Berger, stating:

“Despite his unjustified refusal (which is a disturbing commentary on modern legal ethics, and potentially grounds for impeachment), Liberty Counsel is ready and able to provide that defense, should our assistance be desired.”

The White House also inserted itself this week into the North Carolina political process.

President Obama’s spokesman, Josh Ernst, called the state’s new law “mean spirited.”

Dr. Michael Brown exposes the true agenda of the radical LGBT movement in his new book, “Outlasting the Gay Revolution: 8 Principles for Long Term Cultural Change.”

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Churches may get OK to designate armed guards

Mississippi lawmakers are moving to make it easy for churches to designate armed guards for their services (Photo: NBC News screenshot)

Mississippi lawmakers are moving to make it easier for churches to designate armed guards (Photo: NBC News screenshot)

Mississippi lawmakers are one step closer to ensuring churches have the ability to designate armed guards at their discretion.

The biblical mandate for armed self-defense – especially in church! Get “Shooting Back” today!

The Church Protection Act will now head to the Mississippi House after its Senate voted 36-14 in favor of the measure. The law aims to allow individuals to obtain permits for the explicit purpose of  protecting houses of worship.

“[The bill] gives members of the church, if they so choose, a greater ability to protect themselves and their families and their church,” state Sen. Sean Tindell told WLBT-3 on Tuesday.

Chris Cox, executive director of the National Rifle Association, cheered the bill’s progress.

“This important piece of pro-gun legislation clarifies existing law in Mississippi and ensures that each Mississippian has the right to carry their firearm in the manner that best suits them,” Cox said in a statement.

State Sen. Hillman Frazier, a Democrat opponent of the bill from Jackson, said he did not want lawmakers “to pimp out the church for political purposes,” the NBC affiliate reported.

All you ever needed to know about guns and gun rights – right from the WND Superstore

FBI affidavits filed in U.S. District Court in Detroit in February suggest The Church Protection Act could not be more timely. Khalil Abu-Rayyan, 21, of Dearborn Heights, Michigan, allegedly told an undercover agent that he wanted to attack churches because they are generally gun-free zones.

“A lot of people go there. Plus people are not allowed to carry guns in church,” the FBI affidavit quotes him as saying, WND reported Feb. 22. “Plus it would make the news. Everybody would’ve heard. Honestly, I regret not doing it. (If I) can’t go do jihad at the Middle East, I would do my jihad over here.”

Abu-Rayyan was denied bail by a magistrate and faces up to 10 years in a federal prison if convicted on charges of possession of a weapon while under the influence of illegal drugs, WND reported.

Alleged ISIS sympathizer Khalil Abu-Rayyan of Dearborn Heights.

Alleged ISIS sympathizer Khalil Abu-Rayyan of Dearborn Heights, Michigan

The June 2015 massacre at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina, was cited by Mississippi lawmakers as a reason why the new bill is necessary. Nine parishioners died on June 17, 2015, at the hands of an armed gunman who later admitted he wanted to start a race war.

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Dylann Roof, 21, was arrested after the shooting and charged with nine counts of murder and firearms charges. In addition to nearly three-dozen federal hate-crime charges filed against Roof, state prosecutors are seeking the death penalty.

Roof’s trial is scheduled to begin July 11.

Dylann Roof

Dylann Roof


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