Planned Parenthood (Photo: Twitter)
A new video released on Tuesday by officials with Live Action shows how the abortion industry giant Planned Parenthood, when caught with employees making embarrassing statements about human trafficking and sex workers, promised to retrain its workers to watch for and report abuse.
However, instead of following through on a crackdown of statements from 2011 that seemed to allow and even encourage prostitution, it trained workers to identify and guard against undercover journalists and investigators.
Obviously unsuccessfully, as shown by the extended series of videos from 2015 that revealing top level Planned Parenthood executives lobbying for higher pay for the delivery of the body parts of unborn babies, an undercover investigation that prompted states to defund the organization, sponsors to pull support, and the current pending legislation in Congress that would withdraw some $500 million in tax money given to the abortionists annually.
Live Action, which produced the undercover videos from 2011 where individuals working at multiple Planned Parenthood clinics appeared to be expressing willingness to aid and abet underage sex-trafficking, released the new video online.
It “shows that Planned Parenthood lied to the media after employees were caught on camera attempting to aid and abet sex traffickers prostituting 14- and 15-year-old girls,” Live Action reported. “A former Planned Parenthood manager recently revealed that while the abortion giant claimed in 2011 that it was retraining thousands of staff to identify child sex traffickers, it instead trained them how to identify undercover journalists investigating its facilities.”
Live Action reported it “used public records requests to check the abortion chain’s claim that it had reported the suspected sex traffickers to authorities. The responses from law enforcement show that Planned Parenthood failed repeatedly to report the suspected crimes to local police departments, state police, or even child protective services.”
The video:
In the video, Ramona Trevino shared her experience running a Planned Parenthood operation during Live Action’s previous investigation.
Lila Rose, the chief of Live Action, notes that Trevino was working at Planned Parenthood while the earlier undercover investigations were done.
“I just blew it off,” Trevino said. “We don’t have anything to hide, so why are we so concerned about these undercover investigations?”
She continued, “Later on … all of that would change.”
The video features a clip of a CBS report showing “Planned Parenthood staffers all too eager to help purported teenage sex workers get abortions and contraception.”
One clip had a “pimp” talking with a Planned Parenthood worker: “Some of ’em are young, they’re kind of like – some are like, 15, 14 …”
That could involve criminal activity not just because of the prostitution, but because of their age.
But Planned Parenthood’s response back then? “Minors are always accepted without parental consent.”
That worker continues, “You never got this from me. Just to make all of our lives easier. If they’re 14 and under … just send ’em right there if they need an abortion.”
She circled information on a sheet of paper.
During that 2011 time frame, Live Action exposed eight Planned Parenthood clinic staffers at seven locations “willing to aid and abet child sex traffickers.”
Planned Parenthood’s chief, Cecile Richards, wrote to then-Attorney General Eric Holder on the issue. But she couldn’t even, in the letter, accurately locate the states where the situations developed. And the letter claimed that such incidents were reported to authorities.
“But through the Freedom of Information Act, Live Action contacted the state justice departments, police departments and child protective services in the states listed in Planned Parenthood’s letter, and only one of the five states visited by investigators, Arizona, had responsive records that any report had been made to authorities…”
Trevino explained that while Planned Parenthood “publicly” said they would retrain staff to watch for traffickers, actually what they did was assemble employees to train them to watch for undercover journalists.
Trevino reported she was told, on the issue of sex trafficking, “We’re not here to talk about that.”
She was told, “We are here to teach you how to identify if you’re being videotaped, or recorded, or entrapped in any way.”
At the time, Live Action had released more than a dozen hidden camera videos from 10 states showing “several alarming patterns of illegal Planned Parenthood activities including cover-up of sexual abuse of minors, the skirting of parental consent laws, citing unscientific and fabricated medical information to manipulate women to have abortions, and Planned Parenthood’s willingness to accept donations earmarked to abort African-American babies.”
The training to identify undercover journalists failed spectacularly.
During 2015, a group called the Center for Medical Progress went undercover to record Planned Parenthood executives and others in the abortion business about the profit in the trade in baby body parts.
Just recently, a congressional panel recommended a cutoff of public funds to the abortionists.
“The panel … recommends that Congress take actions to ensure good stewardship of taxpayer funds, including: defunding Planned Parenthood and ensuring that grants no longer available to Planned Parenthood are awarded to healthcare providers that provide comprehensive preventive healthcare for their patients and that do not perform abortions (that are not covered by Medicaid under the Hyde Amendment),” explains the final report of the Select Investigative Panel of the Energy & Commerce Committee.
The panel, headed by Rep. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., reviewed information that had been uncovered by a series of undercover videos in 2015 that showed Planned Parenthood executives and others discussing the trade in the body parts of unborn babies.
Sold by vendors to researchers, the videos revealed the abortionists discussing their profits. One famously said, “I want a Lamborghini” to argue for higher payments. They also discussed how they could adjust abortion procedures to obtain the organs researchers wanted.
But profiting from such transactions and adjusting procedures for those reasons are violations of federal law.
The panel earlier referred a number of investigation subjects to prosecutors for possible criminal charges.
The videos were released by the Center for Medical Progress, which sent undercover investigators to Planned Parenthood and other location.
One of the videos showed an official admitting Planned Parenthood sells fully intact aborted babies.
Crushing babies
In the first undercover video released by CMP, Deborah Nucatola of Planned Parenthood commented on crushing babies.
“We’ve been very good at getting heart, lung, liver, because we know that, so I’m not gonna crush that part, I’m gonna basically crush below, I’m gonna crush above, and I’m gonna see if I can get it all intact,” she said.
See the first video:
In the second video, Planned Parenthood’s Mary Gatter discussed how her compensation for organs could rise when she said, “I want a Lamborghini.”
See her comments:
The fifth video released shows Melissa Farrell of Planned Parenthood’s Houston clinic discussing “intact fetal cadavers”:
The seventh video has the testimony of a Planned Parenthood worker who tapped an aborted infant’s heart and saw it start beating.
from PropagandaGuard

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