(WASHINGTONEXAMINER) — A Democratic member of the Federal Election Commission said Monday that the best way to find consensus at the agency might be to get rid of all the commissioners, including herself.
“We have a commission that people expect to be upholding the integrity of our electoral processes, and we are not doing that at all,” Democratic Commissioner Ann Ravel told an audience at the National Press Club on Monday. “It is not happening in this election, and there’s no likelihood that it will.”
Ravel, who last year held the FEC’s rotating chairmanship and who previously led California’s state-level version of the agency, argued that federal commissioners stalemate on too many votes. By law, the agency is divided evenly between three Democrats and three Republicans, which makes it hard to agree on anything.
from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2016/09/26/democrat-fec-commissioner-fire-us-all/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2016/09/26/democrat-fec-commissioner-fire-us-all/
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