Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Cruz: Trump had ‘strongest’ debate so far

(BREITBART) Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) is providing a review of the first presidential debate on Facebook:

Tonight, a clear contrast was drawn between the two nominees. Tonight, Hillary Clinton made it clearer than ever that if elected President, our future will continue on the same path that is hurting millions of Americans.

If Clinton is elected, we know that the havoc Obamacare is wreaking on American families, on small businesses, and on our healthcare system will continue. We know that President Obama’s relentless efforts to crush the oil and gas industry and to wage war on coal will continue. We know that the Obama administration’s willful blindness to radical Islamic terrorism and the influx of unvetted refugees from nations infiltrated by terrorists will continue. We know that President Obama’s lawless executive amnesty will continue and even expand.

from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2016/09/27/cruz-trump-had-strongest-debate-so-far/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2016/09/27/cruz-trump-had-strongest-debate-so-far/

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