Sunday, 31 July 2016

Privacy outsourced to the private sector

There seems to be a new cyber security scandal breaking every week. Either someone hacks a major store’s customer database or someone is hacking poorly secured servers that contain sensitive information.

The sheer regularity of these invasions of privacy makes them at once a constant, annoying drip in our consciousness and a source of existential threat.

And given the fact that we live in the Digital Age, it’s a difficult feat to use both the amazing technology and at the same time protect ourselves from its all-too-obvious risks to our privacy.

Younger generations are already happy to give up their privacy to play a new game, use a new app or open a social media page. And the authors of articles on tech websites consider anyone who doesn’t want to use “fintech,” for example, or enable the location services on their mobile apps to be an old fuddy duddy, instead of someone who is intensely privacy conscious.

This disconnect between the older generation and the younger generation is exactly that. And as the younger people start to integrate more into society and get jobs and raise families, they realize that their financial information, their spending habits and their mobility can all be tracked — as well as bought and sold — and there’s nothing they can do about it.

It used to be just a “conspiracy theory” that the government has access to all our records, phone calls, emails, etc. Well, we know that to be a fact now. So the government is spying on us. I’m not happy about it, but I would rather know.

The problem comes when private companies start getting in the same game. Now big retail stores, just for example, can use Big Data to crunch the massive amount of information they have gathered on customers and use it to predict what you will buy and when. The problem is, while they have spent a ton on market research technology, they haven’t spent a similar amount on cyber security for that information — your information. That means hackers can come in and steal millions of names and the details that go along with it.

Then, they can take those names and rent or sell them on the Dark Web (the other side of the internet where shady characters hang out). These people get your name and begin their own nefarious efforts to find out what they can get out of these names and data.

But companies don’t really care when they’re hacked; it’s a cost of doing business. As long as the money they already made from you is safe, they are not concerned that your data has been stolen. And that is where the problem lies.

That means we are the only motivated protectors of our online security.

Recently a story that reinforces this fact hit the papers. It wasn’t a front page story; it was on A12 in The Washington Post and showed how low on the list of priorities individual privacy is to the government.

The Federal Communications Commission was looking for a company to run a highly sensitive national database that routes virtually all the phone calls in the country. The contract was won by Telcordia, a company owned by Sweden-based Ericcson.

And this was done with FBI approval.

According to The Post, the database routes the calls and texts of 650 million accounts of Americans and Canadians for more than 2,000 carriers.

That means a foreign company is in control of all this information. It means that the FCC has built a honey pot for hackers.

And now we wait for the other shoe to drop — a hack at Telcordia.

There are two things we can do while we wait.

First, we can protect ourselves as much as we can from outside threats. Onion routers are highly secure and very tough to hack. Find out more at You can buy onion routers at Best Buy or through Amazon.

Second, we can invest in cyber-security stocks. This digital world is not getting any safer, so there will be more and more investment in security. Remember, no one has won — or even prosecuted — a case against the stores for their exposure of their customers’ names. There have been lawsuits that have been settled, but sooner or later a smart attorney will make bad cyber security as negligent as the tobacco companies in the ’80s and ’90s.

— GS Early

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Pelosi vows Clinton will reshape America

Immigration, the Supreme Court, gun laws and the nation’s institutions are all in for major changes if Hillary Clinton makes it to the White House, according to Democrat Nancy Pelosi.

Pelosi made the promise last week, just before the Democrats officially nominated Clinton as their candidate for president.

“We know what is on the line in what truly is the most important election of our lifetime: for the future of the Supreme Court, for the fate of a planet imperiled by climate change, for the sake of immigration reform, for the promise of an America that rewards hard work instead of those who exploit America’s workers, for women’s reproductive rights, equal rights, civil rights, and to do what is right for our service members, veterans and military families who have given so much for our country,” said Pelosi.

Back in May, Hoover Institution senior fellow Alvin Rabushka did a pretty thorough job of warning the nation what a Clinton transformation of America could mean.

He wrote that in addition to giving liberals run over the Constitution, Clinton could use the bully pulpit to:

Weaken the First Amendment. Reduce free speech by restricting conservative talk radio and other conservative expression. Increase the scope of content designated “hate” speech, subject to federal prosecution. Limit religious freedom by requiring all religious organizations to abide by the rules of federal programs.

Weaken, preferably eliminate, the Second Amendment. Reduce gun ownership by banning specific guns. Instruct the attorney general to litigate existing gun laws and reverse previous court decisions to reduce and eliminate private ownership of guns.

Issue executive orders to bypass Congress and impose federal regulations by decree. The potential range of measures is described in the 31 issues listed on Clinton’s campaign website. Her potential use of executive orders, perhaps even more than President Barack Obama, would further lift the United States off its constitutional moorings.

Appoint an Internal Revenue Service commissioner who will increase audits of conservative individuals (and others on her enemies list) and all other conservative-oriented organizations.

Appoint a Securities and Exchange Commission head to harass wealthy Republican donors.

Vitiate what remains of the Ninth and 10th amendments by shifting existing state powers to the federal government, further concentrating federal authority over the states.

Erode private property rights by imposing more restrictions on its development and usage.

“Her ability to remake America is limited only by her imagination and those of her supporters,” he added.



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Surprise! People who commit gun crimes don’t follow the law

Democrats can carry on about the need for new, common sense gun control laws all they want. But even if they could realize their dreams of a utopian anti-2nd Amendment paradise by electing Hillary Clinton, gun crimes would continue.

A peer-reviewed study titled “Gaps continue in firearm surveillance: Evidence from a large U.S. City Bureau of Police,” has just made the shocking revelation that a majority of the firearms used to commit crimes are obtained criminally.

Researchers at the University of Pittsburgh’s Graduate School of Public Health analyzed 762 cases in which a total of 893 guns were recovered from suspects by the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police’s Firearm Tracking Unit in 2008.

They found that 33 percent of the firearms recovered from suspects were stolen.

Of the stolen firearms, 55 percent were reportedly swiped from homes and 18 percent from vehicles. Just 9 percent of the stolen guns used in crimes were believed to be locked or properly secured when taken.

Another 44 percent of the gun cases examined showed that the end-using criminal may not have stolen the gun, but obtained it illegally via a straw buyer or other means.

“Given that 79% of perpetrators are connected to firearms for which they are not the legal owner, it is highly likely that a significant amount of theft or trafficking is the source of perpetrators’ firearms,” the researchers concluded.

Soooo…. Criminals who want to commit gun crimes are willing to commit crimes to the get the guns to commit their crimes.

You don’t say?

Responsible gun owners know this. We’ve been screaming it for years. Even if all guns are banned, criminals will find them.

Maybe they’ll steal them from police….

Dangerous incompetence: Homeland Security lost hundreds of guns and badges

Or buy them directly from the government…

Fast and Furious ruling could finally bring answers

Sarcasm aside, one thing about the aforementioned research that was a surprise is that the owners of the 33 percent of stolen firearms used in crimes had reported the guns stolen to police before questioning only about half of the time. This means either folks foolishly lent guns out to criminals and later lied to cover themselves or they didn’t know where their guns were secured to begin with. Responsible gun owners don’t loan guns out to criminals. And they always keep their firearms secure.

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The truth about Social Security and a new government retirement scam

Last month the Board of Trustees for Social Security wrote in its annual report on the program that the major parts of the greatest Ponzi scheme in the history of the world have run out of money and the rest of Social Security will be completely broke in a few years.

The state propaganda ministry dutifully reported these findings, with CNNMoney claiming that, “If lawmakers don’t act, Social Security’s trust fund will be tapped out in about 18 years.”

That doesn’t mean retirees will get nothing by 2034, the writer tells us. It just means that at that point the program will only have enough revenue coming in to pay 79 percent of the promised benefits. So if you are expecting to receive $2,000 per month from Social Security, you will only receive $1,580.

But not to worry, Congress, in all its benevolence, has a solution already in mind. Rep. Joseph Crowley (D-NY), introduced a bill July 12 to create a new mandatory savings program funded by employers with more than 10 employees. The law would require those employers to begin making a contribution into a retirement savings account in the amount of 50 cents for every hour the employee works. It would also allow the employee to contribute, through the employer, 3 percent of their pay into the account.

Of course, the employer already pays 6.2 percent of each employee’s wages into Social Security. On top of that, each employer pays 1.45 percent of each employee’s pay into Medicare for the Medicare tax. Neither of these obligations will be reduced by the new law so it will have the effect of further driving down wages, eliminating jobs or turning more jobs into contract labor jobs, just as Obamacare has done.

So what we have going on here, in typical government fashion and in order to cover for a failed government program, government is creating another government program based on the same model as the failed program, and it has given it a new, highfalutin name: Secure, Accessible, Valuable, Efficient Universal Pension Accounts, or SAVE UP. The bill promises that the account will return 5 percent, except when it doesn’t.

The SAVE UP program is just another government scam program like Social Security, President Barack Obama’s MyRA program, Individual Retirement Accounts and 401(k)s, and part of the ongoing, gradualist move toward government confiscation of all pension and retirement funds.

I am going to tell you what nobody else has told you or will tell you. Social security is not going broke. Any stories you have heard or may  hear about Social Security going broke or benefits not going out is a political myth. They love to whip retired people to death with horror stories about Social Security. They scare the workers into bigger deductions from their paychecks. My friends, this is all nonsense.

Once again, Social Security is a credit system just as is everything else in America. Since the government and Federal Reserve money monopoly creates unlimited credit, somebody tell me how it can go broke. Anybody who understands modern money (bank credit) knows this to be true. Your money may go broke, but Social Security won’t. You will get your check but what you can buy with it in future years is the question.

To be sure, there is a huge problem with Social Security, but it has nothing to do with funding it. The population is aging. More and more people are drawing Social Security.

There are three sides to Social Security. They are: the government, those who pay in, and those who receive payments. All three have a different perspective.

First, let’s start with the government. Social security is not funded, it has no trust fund, and it will never be funded. Government payments to Social Security recipients are no different from government payments for anything else. The government simply writes you a check. Further stated, what the government does is just send computer symbols to your checking account. You then spend the numbers by writing them on check paper and passing them to somebody else. You don’t have any money, only imaginary numbers called money.

The only possible way for Social Security, or anything else, to go broke is to have substance as money, such as silver and gold, and spend it all with no way to get any more. We just agreed that money is only numbers which represent absolutely nothing. How can the government run out of numbers? They can create numbers until the end of time.

So what is the serious problem that government has with Social Security? Government is concerned with the exponential growth of the retirement population. Our economic system will collapse if our population gets too top heavy with nonproducing consumers.

In Keynesian economic theory, there has to be a limited number of consumers. This is mathematically obvious under any economic system. But it is an absolute under a credit system such as we have now.

Take my word for it, only so much consumption can be allowed by nonproducing, consuming retired people. Modern governments are very sensitive about consumption. The reason and the logic behind this is simple. Government is the biggest consumer of all.

Here’s what I mean: Government, through the Federal Reserve, issues (creates) credit which is really just abstract numbers. With this credit, government consumes and, with time, government owns everything. Government literally steals the wealth of the country.

In some poverty-stricken third world countries, governments have already consumed all the national wealth and so there is no one left to produce and no one to buy if anything is produced (see Venezuela). The bottom line is that government will not, under any circumstance, let the Social Security system out-consume the government and the productive capacity of the country. Production must balance consumption. Since only so much can be produced then it follows that only so much can be consumed. Consumption must be regulated, and this is the problem.

What will the government do? The government has already taxed Social Security. What does taxing do? Well, the American people believe that their taxes support the government. This is absolutely not true. Taxes of any kind have nothing to do with supporting modern governments. Modern governments create money through their central banks… remember the numbers we discussed above. But taxing is very important; it is the process of taking some of the numbers back.

Taxes control consumption. When the government taxes your income or Social Security, it is cutting your consumption. The more that is taxed, the more that consumption is reduced. The more the government consumes, the less it will allow the people to consume. So government consumption goes up and your taxes go up to cut more of your consumption. Remember, there cannot be more consumption than production, and the government is certainly not going to cut its consumption. So you can expect that the government will tax more and create ever new taxes, like the SAVE UP account.

You may hear more political rumblings about taking Social Security away from people “who can afford to do without it.” You will likely hear more rumblings from Congress about raising the age at which people can begin receiving Social Security benefits. (The goal here is to raise it to where most people die before receiving any benefits, as was the case when it was established.)

But eventually, consumption by the retired population will be cut and cut massively one way or the other. The government will do what it has always done. It will engage in class warfare. It will play the “have-nots” against the “haves,” those who have worked hard and saved. If you understand the philosophy of government and if you understand the economic system, what we have just said is easy to predict. You can count on it. The cuts will come outright, or through some fabricated national emergency and in other devious ways. But they will come as the monstrous government consumes the national wealth.

So the Social Security crisis has absolutely nothing to do with funding. From the government and the politician’s viewpoint, the problem is how to reverse consumption from the fast-growing, nonproducing consuming people who get Social Security.

As stated above, the government has already started taxing Social Security, there is a limit one can earn while receiving Social Security before a benefit reduction ensues, and there has for years been calls to “means test” those who can receive it. Again, this is class warfare as only those who earn extra income are taxed. This discrimination will be expanded. Next those “more fortunate” who have made the extra effort in life will be taxed even more.

Also, the welfare medical system is now consuming far more than will be allowed in the future. The propaganda mills will grind about waste and inefficiency in the medical facilities, and laws will be passed to cut Medicare. Older people will be denied coverage through the Obamacare death panels.

The people who pay Social Security, Medicare and all the taxes are who we call the producing consumers. It is easy to see that the government and its politicians have transferred consumption from the producers to the nonproducers as Social Security paycheck deductions have gone from 2 percent in 1937 to 12.4 percent today.

It follows that either higher and higher Social Security payments will be cut out of paychecks, or new pretenses for taxes and confiscation will be created (SAVE UP). Here again is a classic example of class warfare; the producers against the nonproducers.

Very few people are aware that it is all a process of reversing consumption from the people to the government. All other stated reasons are propaganda. Any time the government and the politicians “regulate” your consumption with new income taxes or Social Security taxes or pension savings taxes, their purpose is to increase government consumption. It does not matter which politicians are in power. This is the philosophy and the plan of modern governments who create money through central banks.

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Secret Service agent warns of ‘dictator’ Hillary

Hillary Clinton

CLEVELAND – Gary Byrne worked in the White House during the Clinton administration, but he wasn’t among the speakers invited to give testimony at the Democratic National Convention last week of Hillary Clinton’s character and deeds.

Had he been given the opportunity, his summary of Clinton would have been: “She’s a dictator.”

“There are two sets of rules. There are rules for the Clintons, and there are rules for everybody else,” he said.

Gary Byrne

Gary Byrne

Byrne, who protected the Clintons for eight years as a uniformed Secret Service officer, spoke to WND at the Republican National Convention about his bestselling book, “Crisis of Character.”

He responded to the fierce criticism he has received from Clinton supporters and the president of the Association of Former Agents of the United States Secret Service, who denounced the book, saying there is “no place for any self-moralizing narratives, particularly those with an underlying motive.”

Byrne, who was posted outside the Oval Office door for three years, told WND he is taking legal steps to stop what he regards as slander. He does understand why some former and current agents complain he is “talking out of school,” but he said his motive is love of country.

“The reason I am talking out of school,” he told WND, “is because I want the people to know what the truth is about Mrs. Clinton.”

Byrne claims Hillary Clinton displayed a “Jekyll and Hyde” personality, and was verbally and physically abusive to security officers as well as to Bill Clinton, even giving the president a black eye.

“Her ‘brand’ was her only concern. She was a faux leader, all bark, no bite, but in a very real power position as first lady,” he writes in his book.

Order your copy of No. 1 New York Times best-selling author Jerome Corsi’s newest blockbuster, “Partners in Crime: The Clinton’s Scheme to Monetize the White House for Personal Profit,” now in stock –ahead of the official Aug. 2 release date – only at the WND Superstore!

He noted an exchange that he said typified her:

“Good morning, first lady,” an officer said.

“Go f— yourself,” she replied.

‘What I saw personally’

Politico reported it spoke with several high-level members of Secret Service presidential details who insisted Byrne was too low-ranking to have witnessed what he claims.

Byrne, noting his proximity to the Oval Office, argued that Secret Service agents have shared similar stories of the Clintons with reporters on background, “but I’m putting my name on it.”

“I’m telling you what I saw personally, what I know is true,” he said.

“If it wasn’t true, who would put themselves at this risk and this exposure?”

He said there’s a considerable amount of relevant information he didn’t put in the book, “because it would expose too much of the Secret Service’s operations and inadvertently would hammer people that have gone on with their lives, and I’m not going to do it.”

He said, however, that he’s put some of that information “in the hands of the right people.”

They don’t let just anybody do it

To the “people who are coming out and disparaging me,” he said, it’s important to understand that he got into the Secret Service by taking a lie-detector test.

“The Clintons got where they are by jumping from one scandal and telling lies to the next scandal and telling lies,” he said.

“I was an Air Force security policeman where I was charged with securing nuclear weapons. The Air Force doesn’t let just anybody around nuclear weapons,” Byrne continued.

“The Secret Service doesn’t let just anybody join the uniformed division,” he said. “And the air marshals don’t let just anybody become an air marshal.”

He recently retired as an air marshal.

“As soon as someone from the Clinton administration is ready to take a lie-detector test about her behavior, I’ll be ready to take one about mine,” he told WND.

Byrne explained that he purposely wrote the book without telling anybody.

“I am not asking anybody to come forward. This is my decision. I wanted to get my message out,” he said. “I want to get the truth out. I’m not saying nobody else should do it, but I’m not asking them to step up for me. It’s not fair.

“I think the risk is too great.”

Author Ronald Kessler, who has written his own book on Hillary Clinton’s time in the White House, has defended Byrne, telling the Boston Herald the former Secret Service agent’s description of the Clintons is “right on.”

“It has to do with her character, the hypocrisy of someone who claims to help the country and yet she can’t bring herself to treat other human beings who are less powerful than she is with respect and dignity,” he said. “Someone like that can really get out of control once they get in the White House. They have all that power and they become even more arrogant.”

Kessler said Hillary Clinton “would actually, even recently, tell agents she didn’t want to see them when they were at events.”

“She literally wanted them to hide behind curtains,” Kessler told the paper.

Bizarre world

Byrne noted he was the first Secret Service officer ever compelled to testify in a criminal case against a president.

In the Monica Lewinsky case, he was subpoenaed six times by independent counsel Ken Starr and eventually ordered to testify by Supreme Court Chief Justice William Rehnquist.

“So, if I didn’t have this kind of information, if I didn’t have this access, and I had never seen it, why was I subpoenaed?” he asked.

He noted that Clinton supporters went right to the testimony when the book came out and tried to compare it.

Then-President Bill Clinton poses with White House intern Monica Lewinsky

Then-President Bill Clinton poses with White House intern Monica Lewinsky

“They tried to say that I was saying stuff that I didn’t say in testimony,” Byrne told WND.

“Well, of course I did. I was answering questions to things the investigators were asking. It wasn’t my job to tell them how to do their job.

“They asked me questions about tissues, I answered about tissues.

He explained there were “so many things that happened that I had information about.”

“If they didn’t ask about those things exactly, then I couldn’t talk about it,” he said.

He said the investigation had many rules that “seemed to change by the day,” and he noted that because he was a government employee, he had no attorney-client privilege.

“So, the guys who were supposedly helping us were in the steak house at night with the guys who were investigating the president and who were investing,” he said.

“It was so bizarre.”

That’s another reason he wrote the book, he said.

“I want the American people to know how bizarre it was to have to protect the Clintons,” Byrne told WND.

“Do you really want to put the country through that again?”

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The last barrier

As previously reported, Byrne disclosed in his book that while Bill Clinton was engaged in a sexual relationship with Monica Lewinsky, the president had other mistresses.

“I stood guard, a pistol at my hip, outside the Oval Office, the last barrier before anyone saw Bill Clinton,” Byrne writes in his book. “The last barrier before Monica Lewinsky saw Bill Clinton. Yes, I’m that Secret Service officer.”

He tells how he tried unsuccessfully to stop the affair with Lewinsky, getting her transferred to work for Hillary Clinton in the East Wing of the White House.

Byrne claims Bill Clinton personally ordered agents with the Secret Service to give Lewinsky access to his office in early 1996, even providing her a secret phone number to reach the commander in chief directly.

“We wondered how he got any work done and joked that he would have been better at running a brothel in a red-light district than the White House,” Byrne writes.

Ultimately, Byrne noted to WND, the issue legally was perjury and suborning perjury, compelling a witness to lie, as Bill Clinton convinced Monica Lewinsky to sign affidavits declaring they never were alone together.

“Everyone in the Secret Service, when the story broke, knew they were lying,” Byrne told WND.

“Here’s the thing. He took an oath, too. Bill Clinton took an oath of the presidency. I took an oath as a Secret Service officer to protect the office of the presidency and the Constitution,” he said.

“He took that oath, and he lied.”

Byrne said Clinton “did what the Clinton machine always does.”

“It lies, it blames other people, and then it tries to suppress the truth by getting other people to lie.”

He related one of his fears if Bill Clinton returns to the White House.

“Who’s going to protect these young women who work there from Bill Clinton?” he asked.

“Do we really want to drag the country from one scandal to the next?”

Telling the story

Byrne said he’s receiving positive feedback from former colleagues.

He heard from the wife of a former co-worker who died about five years ago in a car accident.

“His wife was so sweet, and she was so excited. She said, he really wanted to pursue a book and talk about these things,” Byrne said. “He was so appalled by the things he saw. And, of course, he never got the chance.”

Byrne said he does have some concerns about his safety but doesn’t fear for his life.

“I have taken some steps,” he said. “I’ve protected other people my entire life. I know how to protect myself.”

Until the election, Nov. 8, he said he will continue to tell his story.

“Once the election is over, it is what it is, and I’ll go on being the dedicated American that I’ve always been.”

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Other woman running for president to determine winner?

(THE HILL) — Voters now confronted with the choice between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are making something abundantly clear: they want another option.

Surveys over the last six weeks have found a steady but noticeable jump in support for third-party candidates. The biggest beneficiary has been Libertarian Gary Johnson, who has shot up from 4.5 percent to 7.2 percent in RealClearPolitics polling averages. Green Party candidate Jill Stein has also seen an uptick since June — from 2.5 percent to 3.5 percent.

The surge in support for a third-party candidate is adding a new element of unpredictability into the presidential race. Should voters opt for a third-party candidate in large numbers, it could potentially tip the scales in crucial battleground states.

Pollsters and political scientists say the deep malcontent with Clinton and Trump should give both candidates pause.

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NSA has all of Hillary’s emails, says agency architect

(BREITBART) — PHILADELPHIA – The National Security Agency (NSA) has “all” of Hillary Clinton’s deleted emails and the FBI could gain access to them if they so desired, William Binney, a former highly placed NSA official, declared in a radio interview broadcast on Sunday.

Speaking as an analyst, Binney raised the possibility that the hack of the Democratic National Committee’s server was done not by Russia but by a disgruntled U.S. intelligence worker concerned about Clinton’s compromise of national security secrets via her personal email use.

Binney was an architect of the NSA’s surveillance program. He became a famed whistleblower when he resigned on October 31, 2001, after spending more than 30 years with the agency.

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GOP challenges Obama’s social experiments in military


A nonpartisan watchdog says voters will have a clear choice this presidential election on the future of America’s military.

The independent public-policy group Center for Military Readiness, while not endorsing a specific candidate, highlights in a report the GOP’s intent in its platform to reverse some of the damage done to the military by the Obama administration.

Obama has employed social experimentation in the U.S. military, for example, imposing open homosexuality in the ranks and women in front-line combat roles.

CME said the Democratic Party’s platform focuses on criticizing Republican nominee Donald Trump “for having ‘no strategy for dealing with key threats facing our country, including climate change and ISIS.’”

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And it continues the social engineering, stating, “Our military is strongest when people of all races, religions, sexual orientations, and gender identities are honored for their service to our country.”

The GOP platform, however, contains a “set of solid statements regarding military/social issues” that gives voters “a clear roadmap for reassessing and eventually reversing much of the damage done to our military since 2009,” CMR said.

“Since President Barack Obama took office in 2009, his administration has delivered on campaign promises to impose radical social agendas on our military,” the report said. “The Center for Military Readiness is pleased to report that the 2016 Republican National Convention has resolved to objectively review and repair the damage.”

The report continued: “The first step is to recognize that problems exist and to restore sound priorities. The platform calls for an end to social experimentation and an honest assessment of problems that need to be corrected. Because unwise policies that the Obama administration imposed administratively can be undone in the same way, nine platform planks presented and analyzed below challenge the results of political correctness taken to extremes.”

The advice? “Voters must choose wisely.”

The report includes:

  • A statement that the GOP rejects “the use of the military as a platform for social experimentation.” CMR said Obama “has repeatedly used executive power to impose feminist agendas and LGBT law and regulations implementing the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender agenda for the military, regardless of the harmful consequences.”
  • The GOP would call for “an objective review of the impact on readiness.” CMR said a GOP administration would evaluate what Obama has imposed, including involuntary service by women in combat arms and more, and would “put military readiness first.”
  • The GOP calls for an exemption for women from “direct ground combat units and infantry battalions.” CMR noted the success of “tip of the spear” units is made or broken sometimes by the individual physical capabilities of members. “In field tests, gender-mixed units underperformed 69 percent of the time. Physical differences that cannot be ‘mitigated’ would have a serious negative effect on what the Marines called ‘survivability and lethality,’” CMR said.
  • The GOP warned “against modification or lessening of standards” to satisfy a social agenda. But under the Obama administration, quotas, or “gender diversity metrics,” have been established as “paramount goals,” which have the effect of “lowering standards” for performance requirements, CMR said.
  • The GOP platform calls for an all-volunteer force. A draft, especially one “on a gender-neutral basis,” would weaken the military, CMR said.
  • The GOP opposes having women register for a draft. “Calling up thousands of potential female draftees, most of whom will not meet combat standards, would slow mobilization during a time of catastrophic national emergency, the worst possible time. Congress should review capabilities of the Selective Service system, applying standards of military readiness, not ‘gender equality,’” CMR said.
  • The GOP supports the “rights of conscience of military chaplains of all faiths to practice their faith free from political interference.” That’s simply a First Amendment right, CMR said. “Servicemen and women have a constitutional right to receive counsel from chaplains who are free to discuss matters of morality during all activities, not limited to worship services. Since 2011, there have been numerous attempts to censure and silence chaplains and people of faith, creating a ‘chilling effect’ and fear of career penalties for exercising rights of religious liberty. In some of these cases, military personnel have had to seek legal defense.”
  • The GOP condemns “special interest demonstrations” which means the LGBT pride events sponsored by the military, CMR said. “In the same way that our military does not allow labor unions, activist events promoting LGBT law and other special interest causes are inherently divisive and harmful to unit cohesion.”
  • The GOP emphasizes due process in cases that arise from the “constantly increasing rates of sexual assault and retaliation.” “The best way to protect due process is to support and improve legal representation for both the accuser and the accused,” the CMR said.

The report also calls for military superiority.

“The 14-page section of the 2016 Republican Platform, titled ‘America Resurgent,’ includes many sound ideas to restore the strength of America’s military, and to restore respect for America worldwide. It begins by quoting Alexander Hamilton, who wrote in Federalist 23 that the first of the ‘principle’ constitutional obligations of the federal government is to provide for the ‘common defense’ of the United States. It also notes that President George Washington wisely reminded us that “’to be prepared for war is one of the most effectual means of preserving peace,’” CMR said.

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Felons key to Dems’ voting-majority strategy



Take a look at all the participants at the Democratic National Convention this year: Democratic politicians, actors, musicians, teachers, lawyers, interest-group representatives, trade unionists and non-profit officials.

Add to that a frequently laudatory media, and it sometimes feels like Democrats have already won over the vast majority of the country in their campaign to install Hillary Clinton in the White House.

“It’s amazing – Democrats are kind of like a boxer who gets into the ring with 10 friends against one opponent,” said Daniel Horowitz, a senior editor at Conservative Review. “They’ve got the media, they’ve got the corporate America, in addition they have academia, and they have the entertainment world. All the NGOs, nonprofits support their left-wing causes.

“And yet still they seem to have failed to garner a permanent majority in this country.”

Part of this, in Horowitz’s view, stems from the unpopularity of the Obama presidency. He believes Democrats are concerned that they won’t have enough votes to push themselves over the top in swing states in future elections.

“That is why they figure if you can’t win with the electorate you have, let’s replace the existing electorate,” Horowitz, author of the new book “Stolen Sovereignty: How to Stop Unelected Judges From Transforming America,” told WND. “That is why they’re releasing a lot of felons.”

Indeed, there seems to be a rush to grant felons who have completed their sentences the right to vote. Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat signed such a bill in April, granting 206,000 felonious Virginians the right to vote in one of the most important swing states in the country.

This was a shot that didn’t hit, as the state Supreme Court reversed his decision only a few days ago.

Approximately 206,000 Virginia felons were affected by McAuliffe’s April 22 order. But the court ruled, 4-3, the move unconstitutional. It ordered that the Virginia Department of Elections “cancel the registration of all felons who have been invalidly registered” since McAuliffe issued his order.

McAuliffe is a long-time member of the Clinton inner circle. His background includes service as chairman of Bill Clinton’s presidential campaign, then serving as a fundraiser and national co-chairman of Clinton’s reelection campaign, and later becoming campaign chairman for Hillary Clinton’s first run at the White House. In 2000, McAuliffe also served as chairman of the Democratic National Committee, holding that position for five years.

His attempt to stack the deck came two months after the Maryland state legislature pushed through a measure to allow recently released felons still on parole or probation to vote.

In fact, according to the ACLU, only nine states remain in which all convicted felons do not have the right to vote upon completion of their sentence.

In California, where the voting rules are already lax, the state assembly voted in May to allow convicted felons to vote in jail.

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Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Fla., even introduced a bill in the U.S. House of Representatives that would prohibit states from “disqualifying individuals convicted of criminal offenses, other than individuals convicted of murder, manslaughter or sex crimes, from registering to vote or voting in elections for federal office.”

Democrats have good reason to want felons to vote, as a recent survey found seven in 10 convicted felons register as Democrats.

The Obama administration joined the action by releasing nearly 20,000 criminal illegal aliens back onto U.S. streets in 2015.

In fact, Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., recently said the Obama administration was working to release a total of 70,000 felons from federal prison even without the help of a new act of Congress.

“It’s not a coincidence, by the way, that many of the recent felons that have been released by Obama’s Department of Justice, they were in the state of Texas,” Horowitz said. “This is part of the movement to turn Texas [Democrat].”

Horowitz pointed out many of the same figures behind the infamous Gang of Eight immigration bill, such as La Raza, the AFL-CIO and Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, also support the current “criminal justice reform” push that would release thousands of felons back onto America’s streets. Criminal justice reform is a political ploy, according to Horowitz. He urges Republicans not to fall for it, believing it is about compassion.

“The end goal always is to create a permanent Democrat majority,” Horowitz warned. “What Republicans have to ask themselves is why would they pay for the rope to hang themselves and give it straight to the Democrats?”


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New ad campaign pins Paul Ryan as pro-Muslim refugee

House Speaker Paul Ryan, left, is being challenged in the Aug. 9 Wisconsin primary by businessman Paul Nehlen, right.

House Speaker Paul Ryan, left, is being challenged in the Aug. 9 Wisconsin primary by businessman Paul Nehlen, right.

An immigration watchdog group hopes to repeat the successful campaign that helped unseat Eric Cantor in 2014 by launching a similar ad targeting House Speaker Paul Ryan, highlighting his support for President Obama’s executive amnesty decrees, sanctuary cities for illegals and Syrian refugee resettlement programs.

The ad by Americans for Legal Immigration PAC hammers “Lyin Paul Ryan” for his leading role in negotiating a $1.1 trillion omnibus bill that fully funded Obama’s amnesty plans, sanctuary cities, and expanded refugee program.

While at the same time he was talking publicly against Syrian refugees, Ryan was working behind the scenes to round up the votes to fully fund Obama’s plans to increase the total influx of refugees from 70,000 to 85,000 this year and 100,000 next year. The refugees will come from countries throughout the Third World, including 10,000 this year from Syria, a country infested with jihadists fighting for ISIS, al-Nusra Front, al-Qaida and other religious fanatics trying to bring down secular dictator Bashar Assad. Another 7,500 or more will come from the America-hating Somalia, about 5,000 more from Afghanistan and at least 10,000 from Iraq. Even the Buddhist-majority country of Burma is offloading its Muslim population to the United States, with thousands per year coming from that country.

The ALIPAC ad campaign is modeled after its “Thank Eric Cantor” automated call campaign in 2014 that was broadcast into GOP households via automated calls and radio ads. ALIPAC’s messages and efforts were part of the historic defeat of Cantor, the former Republican House majority leader from Virginia who supported amnesty for illegals. Cantor was defeated in the GOP primary by Dave Brat, R-Va.

ALIPAC launched the campaign against Ryan Friday via automated calls, radio ads planned for talk radio stations in Wisconsin and a YouTube video that activists are being asked to watch and circulate.

The Wisconsin primary is Aug. 9 with Ryan squaring off against businessman Paul Nehlen.

Watch Video: ‘Fire Lyin Paul Ryan to stop Obama’s Amnesty’


Another immigration watchdog, NumbersUSA president Roy Beck, has called Ryan’s stance on immigration “terrifying.” And that stance isn’t about to change, despite any political rhetoric to the contrary, because open borders are embedded in Ryan’s “ideological DNA,” Beck said.

“There’s nobody in the Republican Party who could be worse than Paul Ryan,” Beck told Breitbart last fall when Ryan was being drafted for the Speakership. “He has spent his entire adulthood ideologically connected to the open borders crowd. Open Borders is in his ideological DNA. That’s the terrifying thing. He’s an ideologue and his spent his whole life working for ideologues. Open borders seeps out of every pore of his being. This isn’t personal, it’s just who he is.”

Nehlen is a successful and flamboyant businessman who sports tattoos, rides a motorcycle and drives a dump truck through the district painted with his campaign slogan, “Dump Ryan.” He says Ryan has betrayed Wisconsin and America by agreeing to fully fund President Obama’s immigration plan and Obamacare while championing the secretive Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal.

On his website, Nehlen lists his top three priorities as follows:

• Reclaim Wisconsin’s 1st District for We The People
• Stop Paul Ryan’s Cronyism & Corruption
• Secure Our Borders & Enforce Existing Immigration Laws

Nehlen says on his website he is against secret trade deals, including the pending Trans Pacific Partnership, which water down U.S. sovereignty and make war on the middle class.

Some big names have lined up behind Nehlen, including Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin and border hawk Ann Coulter.

Palin, the former Alaska governor and vice presidential candidate, used the term “Cantored” to describe the push to replace Ryan. This is a reference to the stunning upset of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor by Rep. Dave Brat in Virginia in 2014.

ALIPAC’s first calls have already launched, with 20 to 25 volunteers taking to the phones.

“Ryan is spending millions while lying his butt off to conservatives,” Gheen said. “This is the same strategy used by McCain, Lindsey Graham, and many others. It saved McCain six years ago when he spent millions and lied about his true immigration positon and it was so disappointing to see so many people in Arizona vote for him again when they should understand who he is. And once you go amnesty you never come back. We have never seen a politician honestly be on the wrong side of that issue and then transition to the right side. We’ve seen them back off for a while, but then they always come back. All we’ve seen is lies, lies, lies from Paul Ryan.”

The ad points out that Paul Ryan is Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s ally on immigration.

He is also the ally of Clinton’s globalist vice-presidential running mate, Sen. Tim Kaine, D-Va.

Kaine said they would pass amnesty within the first 100 days of a Clinton presidency and the reason that would happen was the Democrat’s secret weapon – Paul Ryan.

As the Washington Times reported:

“A new Clinton administration would pursue a bill to legalize illegal immigrants in ‘the first 100 days’ of her tenure, vice presidential candidate Tim Kaine told Spanish-language network Telemundo in an interview Monday… [Kaine] said House Speaker Paul D. Ryan will lead the GOP to embrace legalization.

“He’s on their side,” Gheen told WND. “And yet he’s placing mailers all over his district saying he’s for cracking down on illegal immigration and tightening the borders. He’s making himself out to seem like Sheriff Joe Arpaio, border hawk Paul Ryan, secure the border. He’s a serial liar and traitor to the people of the United States. He has the same job Obama has, and that is to lie to America and to sell out America. That’s what they’re paid for, that’s why they’re in their positions of power.

“We’ve been the ones who have brought the giants down in the past. It doesn’t always work but you’ve got to throw the rock. Today we’re throwing the rock. We need volunteers and donors to go after Paul Ryan with everything we’ve got to muster.”

The most important battle ground in America today is the first district in Wisconsin and its 16-year incumbent, Gheen said. Yet, many Wisconsin conservatives still haven’t figured out that Ryan is a notorious open-borders zealot.

“He’s been up there forever,” Gheen said. “There are some hardcore conservatives who have been voting for Paul Ryan for a long time and they love him and they don’t understand what he really stands for. Our main message is that Paul Ryan is paying for and helping Obama transplant dangerous Muslims into your area.”

“These conservatives who say they like their Paul Ryan and they voted for him so many times before, they don’t realize they’re helping him pump in hundreds of Islamic terrorists right there into their own cities and towns as well as enough illegals that you won’t be able to get a Republican elected as dogcatcher in a few years,” Gheen said. “And everything for these refugees and illegals is paid for by the U.S. taxpayer including their housing, their medical expenses, their education, their Internet access and their cellphone.”

Anyone interested in helping make these calls to defeat Paul Ryan should contact

ALIPAC is also asking for donations to help fund the automated calls and radio ads against Paul Ryan so the message can reach at least 25,000 GOP households in Wisconsin’s 1st district.

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GOP establishment in full-throttle assault on conservative rebel

Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan.

Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan.

WASHINGTON – Kansas voters have always liked him. But the Republican establishment apparently loathes him.

U.S. Rep. Tim Huelskamp, R-Kan., coasted to election and won two re-elections. Now he is in fight of his life just to win GOP primary.

The way the congressman sees it, he helped topple the GOP elite’s leader, and now they are coming after him in a big way. And with big money.

Suddenly, the Kansan is in a dogfight against what he and his allies identify as a quintessential GOP establishment candidate in the Republican primary election, coming up Tuesday, Aug. 2.

One Kansas poll has the race as a dead heat, while Huelskamp’s own polling gives him a nine-point lead. (More details below.)

Huelskamp told WND he thinks big money pouring in to support his opponent is payback for his opposition to the GOP establishment, but he suggested the effort will be futile.

“Look what’s happened,” he said. “Every candidate they put forward in the presidential race lost miserably. Outsiders said, ‘Enough is enough,’ and at the end of the day it came down to Ted (Cruz) and Donald (Trump).”

Huelskamp initially supported Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, for president and has since endorsed GOP nominee Donald Trump. Cruz endorsed Huelskamp on July 5.

Referring to the Republican establishment, Huelskamp told WND, “These are folks who lose at everything they do. They lost their power and control in Washington.”

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This is not the first time Huelskamp has felt the wrath of the establishment.

He was among the conservative House members who sought to oust former Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, and finally succeeded when Boehner retired on Oct. 31, 2015.

For opposing him, Boehner had Huelskamp removed from the House Budget and Agriculture committees in late 2012, the latter, an important post for a representative from a farm state.

The congressman said he didn’t waver then, and he won’t now.

“I said to John Boehner, privately, after he kicked me off the ag committee, ‘I don’t work for you, Mr. Speaker.’ And it’s about time the American people got the Congress back. And I don’t care who the speaker is, I don’t work for him. I don’t work for the president of the United States.”

Former House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio

Former House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio

Huelskamp said he will remain an independent, conservative voice, “and that’s why they’re worried.”

Opponent Dr. Roger Marshall has been telling voters he will get that agriculture committee seat back, if elected. But Huelskamp said the doctor would deliver more than voters bargained for.

“On all key issues, he’s a liberal. And I’m a proven conservative,” the congressman told WND. “He’s tried to confuse local media by telling them that he’s not for Obamacare, but he’s actually said he didn’t know if he really wanted to repeal it. He’s said multiple things, and it’s hard to pin him down.”

“I am pro-life, he’s not,” continued the Kansan. “He’s had a multiyear association with a pro-abortion group. He’s not only a member but a prestigious fellow in their group. He actually contributes to their political action committee. Once, he even said this pro-abortion group did more for the unborn than any other group.”

The group, the American College of OB/GYN, released a position paper in November 2014 stating, “Safe, legal abortion is a necessary component of women’s health care.”

Huelskamp said the group’s political action committee, or PAC, has donated money to his opponent, and that it “supports Obama, supports Hillary, supports abortion on demand, partial-birth abortion, loves Obamacare and supports Planned Parenthood. So that’s a huge difference between us, a big issue.”

“He (Marshall) refuses to rule out any tax increases. He won’t sign the tax pledge,” Huelskamp added. “He has come out in favor of an Internet sales tax, which would be a $23 billion tax increase.”

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Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton

But the biggest issue driving the opposition, according to the congressman, is his own opposition to amnesty for illegal immigrants.
And that’s why, he said, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce has spent more than $400,000 to try to unseat him.

“The U.S. Chamber of Commerce would like somebody who will do exactly what they tell them to do,” Huelskamp bluntly stated.

Especially on amnesty, he added, because they want cheap labor.

“These ag groups, the Kansas Farm Bureau and the Kansas Livestock Association, that are after me, it’s all about amnesty. I will not vote for amnesty. My opponent has said he is looking for a pathway to citizenship, which is akin to amnesty.”

The congressman said he is the real conservative on every issue that voters care about.

“But the outside groups have been lying about my record, and suggesting that I’m not a conservative. Every conservative group says I am.”

He added, “I’m a proven conservative with the endorsement of every major conservative organization that does endorsements, all the pro-life groups, all the Second Amendment groups, the fiscal conservatives the social conservatives. That would mean the ones going after us are not conservatives.”

Huelskamp was elected to Congress in 2010 with a whopping 73 percent of the vote. He ran unopposed in the 2012 general election and won re-election in 2014 with 68 percent.

A poll commissioned by the Topeka Capital-Journal published on Sunday showed a dead heat, with Marshall at 40.9 percent of likely voters, and Huelskamp at 40.3 percent. A significant number, 15.3 percent, are still undecided.

According to the paper, “If Republican voters oust Huelskamp, it would send a shock wave through Washington, D.C.”

But Huelskamp’s campaign criticized the poll’s methodology of surveying random Kansas landline and cell numbers.

“Our internal poll, taken during the same time by a reputable polling firm with a 100 percent track record, surveyed twice as many respondents and showed congressman Huelskamp with a strong 47-38 lead,” a Huelskamp spokesman told the paper.

Some conservative heavy hitters have come out swinging for the congressman, ever since the race tightened up.

Huelskamp said conservative media star Sean Hannity endorsed him and did “a great segment” on the race.

The man who initiated the successful revolt against Boehner, Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., was also punished for his insurrection, in his case, by being stripped of his chairmanship of an Oversight subcommittee. But, unlike Huelskamp, his position was restored.

Meadows told WND, “Tim Huelskamp is a principled conservative who puts the interests of his district before anything else. I’ve had the privilege of serving alongside him in the House and believe we need more in Congress like him. It’s not surprising special interests groups are working against Tim – they fear members who aren’t beholden to them.”

In his endorsement, Cruz called the congressman “a principled conservative who has stood up to the Washington Cartel and fought for Kansans since the day he first arrived in our nation’s capital.” The senator said his colleague has been devoted to “protecting innocent life, cutting out-of-control spending, and fighting to repeal Obamacare, just to name a few.”

Earlier this week, conservative stalwarts in Congress gathered to help their comrade in arms.

Reps. Steve King, R-Iowa, Jim Bridenstine, R-Okla., and Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, appeared with Huelskamp at four town halls in Kansas. Those lawmakers, along with Huelskamp, are all member of the House Freedom Caucus, the keepers of the conservative flame in Congress.

King said, “He’s a man of character and he’s a leader in the Congress and a leader in the tea party and the tea party caucus,” adding, “He’s a leader of the things that matter to middle America.”

The Iowan also warned, “If Kansas sent a moderate to Congress having run him against a principled conservative like Tim Huelskamp, that empowers the establishment wing of the party.”

Sean Hannity

Sean Hannity

But Huelskamp says Kansas voters are not the problem; it’s big money pouring in from out of state.

Earlier this month, the Kansas paper Lawrence Journal-World identified the big money funding advertising against Huelskamp as coming from something called the ESA Fund.

That’s a super PAC that targets usually targets Democrats.

The paper said it is “made up of a handful of billionaire investors and hedge fund managers that includes the family that owns the Chicago Cubs and the family that turned World Wrestling Entertainment into a multibillion dollar international entertainment business.”

Marlene Ricketts, wife of T.D. Ameritrade founder J. Joseph Ricketts, contributed $850,000 to the PAC this election cycle. Their son, Tom, led the family bid to try to purchase the Cubs, and another son, Peter, is the Republican governor of Nebraska.

Another contributor to the super PAC is the wife of WWE kingpin Vince McMahon, Linda. “The largest donor to the ESA Fund is billionaire hedge fund manager Paul Singer of New York, who Forbes magazine estimates has a net worth of $2.2 billion,” according to the paper. Other hedge fund managers have also contributed.

“Particularly the one (PAC) funded by the Ricketts, they just don’t like conservatives,” Huelskamp told WND. “I’d say they probably hate conservatives.”

“They ran super PAC adds in Iowa to help Hillary and they also ran ads going after Trump. So, this is an establishment PAC trying to send a message. Not just to me, but to all conservatives in Congress, that, ‘Hey you either do what we say or were going to go after you.’”

He said the Ricketts have probably never visited even Kansas, certainly not the first district.

“Meanwhile, Kansans are just about fed up with being told how to vote by these outsiders. People in this district received more than 30 mailers and are saying, ‘Wait a minute, why are they going after Tim? He must’ve upset somebody in Washington.’”

He added, “They’re spending $1 million against us, but we got folks coming in to help us. I appreciate that, all the free-market folks, all the conservative groups, are coming in to help. It’s good to see.”

Huelskmp said he’s being outspent by two to one.

But he’s optimistic he will prevail.

“It’s big money versus Main Street. But the hedge fund managers out of state don’t get a vote. They just have a big checkbook. So, we’ll see how that works out here in this district.”

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