Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Michael Savage: Trump wrong about bathroom law

Donald Trump

Talk-radio host Michael Savage, a strong supporter of Donald Trump’s campaign for president, took issue with the Republican front-runner’s opposition to North Carolina’s bathroom law, which requires people to use gender-specific public facilities according to their biological sex.

“Trump is 100 percent wrong. Cruz supports the North Carolina measure, as I have and as I do,” Savage told his listeners.

Savage said Trump’s supporters need to acknowledge the candidate made a mistake.

“People do make mistakes,” he said. “I agree with Ted Cruz on this issue.”

Savage reasoned that there are “people who fake being transgender just to get into a bathroom of the opposite sex.”

“That’s a given. Ask the cops about it,” he said.

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The North Carolina legislature passed the law March 23 in response to a Charlotte ordinance that allows people to use the facility that corresponds with their “perceived” gender. The state law has prompted widespread protest, including a threat to cancel the NBA All Star Game, which is slated for Charlotte in 2017.

Savage called Trump’s opposition to the North Carolina law “completely crazy and wrong.”

In an interview April 21 on NBC’s “Today” show, Trump emphasized the law has caused division.

“There have been very few complaints the way it is. People go; they use the bathroom that they feel is appropriate,” he said. “There has been so little trouble, and the problem with what happened in North Carolina is the strife, and the economic, I mean, the economic punishment that they’re taking.”

Savage commented that using “the bathroom that they feel is appropriate” is “totally wrong, 100 percent wrong.”

“Trump is 100 percent wrong on this. He didn’t think this through.”

He said Trump’s stance “will offend all traditionalists in the United States of America.”

“This will offend all people who have any sense of reality left in their head, and he’s wrong. It’s that simple,” Savage said.

A day after Trump voiced opposition to the law, he adjusted his position, insisting that the issue should be left up to the states, not the federal government.

Savage said his disagreement with Trump doesn’t mean he’s shifted his allegiance to Cruz, but “on this issue, Cruz is correct.”

“That’s the beauty of a primary campaign, is that we get to hear all sides of an [issue].

Michael Savage’s primer for the 2016 election, “Government Zero: No Borders, No Language, No Culture,” is available at the WND Superstore

Savage said there’s “no candidate is going to give us 100 percent of what we want.”

“I have told you Trump will give us 60 percent of what we want,” he said. “But we’re liable to get 100 percent of what we want on the big issues like rebuilding the Defense Department, restricting the amount of money going to these corrupt green-energy companies, controlling HHS’s budget, building the wall with Mexico.”

Savage said that if Trump becomes president “and doesn’t build the wall, you’ll know it’s all over.”

“This was his signature promise,” he said. “We have to accept him as his word.

“And if he doesn’t build a wall, what are you going to do about it then? Are you gonna say we have another Obama in office? They’re all liars? It could happen. I’m a realist. It could happen,” Savage continued.

“Given the world we live in, anything is possible.”

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from PropagandaGuard https://propagandaguard.wordpress.com/2016/04/27/michael-savage-trump-wrong-about-bathroom-law/

from WordPress https://toddmsiebert.wordpress.com/2016/04/26/michael-savage-trump-wrong-about-bathroom-law/

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