Wednesday, 27 April 2016

‘Climate Hustle’ will rock alarmists to their core


By George Escobar

Editor’s Note: George Escobar, a co-founder of Advent Film Group, is WND’s vice president of WND Films. He’s worked on “The Isaiah 9:10 Judgment,” “Alone Yet Not Alone” “Come What May” and many more major movie projects.

WASHINGTON – Have you ever been deceived by a “confidence” artist, plying their trade? No? Think again. We’ve all been victimized, whether we know it or not. It’s called the “Climate Hustle” and scientists, politicians, educators, entertainers, business people, and even the president are willing perpetrators in the greatest con job in our lifetime.

On Monday, May 2, 2016, during a one-night nationwide theatrical engagement, see for yourself the unmasking of this fraud in a powerful documentary, “Climate Hustle” that demolishes the climate change agenda.

This could be the most important movie of the year. Here’s why:

President Obama claimed at the 2015 State of the Union Address that: “No challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change.”

This set into motion a powerful cartel, culminating at the United Nations just a few days ago, on Friday, April 22, 2016. Secretary of State John Kerry, on behalf of the Obama administration, signed the Paris Climate Agreement.

The administration considers this treaty an executive agreement between President Obama and other nations. Bypassing the ratification of the U.S. Senate, as required by the Constitution, the president defends his action by acknowledging that he cannot bind the country with an executive agreement; he can only bind his administration for the duration of his remaining months in office.

Nonetheless, the Paris Climate Agreement now further obligates the United States to slash its fossil fuel use, carbon dioxide emissions and economic growth.

More tellingly, the Paris Climate Agreement states the goal of creating a $100 billion per-year fund as commitments by wealthy countries and the private sector, to offset the cost of changing technology and climate damage to poor countries.

Warning: When huge sums of money are at play in the guise of helping the poor, history has shown time and again, that it’s the elite controlling the money who will benefit most.

The glossy cover masking the truth of the Paris Climate Agreement and every other climate change initiative should be familiar to everyone: Sizzling temperatures causing droughts. Melting polar ice caps causing rising sea levels. Destructive hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods. Devastation of the rain forests, animal species, and food supplies. Of course all of these catastrophes are caused by emissions from our power plants, cars, factories, farms, including too much cow flatulence in the fields.

Touted as one of the most penetrating films to expose the climate scare strategy, “Climate Hustle” also debunks the so-called “97 percent scientific consensus” by which alarmists have shielded themselves from scrutiny.

Now it’s your turn to get armed with the facts. Don’t get conned by the media hype or faulty science.

See this amazing film May 2nd. Tell others about it. Use “Climate Hustle” to fight the Obama administration’s relentless march toward ratification of the Paris Climate Agreement.

“We’re not dealing with a scientific issue. We haven’t been dealing with a scientific issue now for the past 15 or so years. We’re dealing with a determined political issue. It’s a campaign-cause,” said Dr. Robert M. Carter, geologist and professor emeritus at James Cook University, Australia.

To learn where it’s showing near you, and to buy tickets, visit

See the trailer:


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