Monday, 29 February 2016

The stupid things people do when their society breaks down

A frequent mistake that many people make when considering the concept of social or economic collapse is to imagine how people and groups will behave tomorrow based on how people behave today. It is, though, extremely difficult to predict human behavior in the face of terminal chaos. What we might expect, or what Hollywood fantasy might showcase for entertainment purposes, may not be what actually happens when society breaks down.

It is also important to note that social and economic destabilization is usually a process, not an immediate event. This actually works in the favor of liberty activists and the preparedness minded. As a system moves through the stages of a breakdown, certain signals in the psychology of the population can be observed, and this gives us a warning as to how far down the rabbit hole we have actually gone.

Except in the case of a nuclear or EMP (electromagnetic pulse) event (which unfortunately are concerns because of the powder keg situation in Syria), vigilant liberty proponents could have considerably more time than the average person to preposition themselves safely. That said, there will be a host of expanding problems of a psychological nature we will have to deal with before, during and after the final leg down in the unfolding mess that internationalists often refer to as the “great global reset.”

The following list is based on social behavior patterns commonly seen during systemic crashes through modern history (the past 100 years). These are some of the stupid things people do when as they begin to realize, at least subconsciously, that a SHTF scenario is in progress.

They do nothing

It’s sad to say, but the majority of people, regardless of the time or place in history, have a bad habit of ignoring the obvious. They may have an unconscious sense that danger is present, but never underestimate the power of men and women to waterboard their own instincts with a big bucket of intellectual idiocy.

It is not uncommon for large populations to sit calmly and idly, sometimes for weeks, in the midst of an economic or infrastructure crisis. Part of this is due to normalcy bias, of course. There is an immediate assumption amongst first world populations that “help is on the way” in the form of government aid. Faith in this aid can be so deluded that it is not until food and water stores are nearly exhausted that they finally begin to panic, or attempt to help themselves.

This gives the preparedness-minded a week or longer head start on the oblivious masses, but it is still a depressing state of affairs.

They sabotage themselves with paranoia

Even in the early stages of a social breakdown when infrastructure is still operational, paranoia among individuals and groups can spread like a poison. Sometimes this is encouraged by a corrupt government, sometimes it just happens naturally.

The tendency is to begin seeing every other person as a potential competitor or threat rather than a potential ally. They make the assumption that all they need to do is to avoid contact with others and “outlast” most people during the ugliest phase of the breakdown. This assumption is foolish on two fronts. First, a society needs security and production in order to rebuild. If survivors of collapse strictly isolate from each other, practical security is absolutely impossible and thus, production is unlikely. Eventually, they will die along with everyone else.

Second, there are no guarantees whatsoever that our particular process of collapse will develop in a vacuum. That is to say, you might think that one day you will walk out of the hills after the worst of the crisis to a blank slate and rebuild, but certain organizations and systems may still be in place, or even dominate. Rarely in history have governments ever actually “disappeared” during societal collapse. In fact, governments have a habit of becoming even more powerful and despotic during and after large scale implosions of social systems. Survival is simply not enough if you walk out of those mountains alone only to find a totalitarian framework established on top of the ashes of the old world.

Organization with trustworthy people of like mind is essential not only for your survival, but the survival of future generations and the principles which you hold dear. Furthermore, guarded associations with your surrounding community are also necessary. This kind of organization must begin before the breakdown hits critical mass. It is far easier to organize before a disaster than after a disaster.

They become shaky and unreliable when the going gets tough

This is why early organization is so important; it gives you time to learn the limitations and failings of the people around you before the SHTF. If you have a large family, have lived in the same neighborhood and attended the same clubs and churches for most of your life, then you are probably well aware of who is solid and who will leave you in the dust when times become difficult. Even then, you are liable to discover that some people will disappoint you.

You do what you can with the help you have on hand, but the stresses of economic uncertainty, social unrest, increasingly oppressive government, and the lack of creature comforts can drive seemingly strong and confident people to do stupid and cowardly things.

They may be close friends or family; individuals you care for. Or, they may be newer associates attempting to build a preparedness group from scratch. If you notice a penchant for running from adversity today when standing fast under pressure is necessary, then there is a good chance these same people will crumble when staring down a societal nightmare tomorrow. Always make a point to know which persons you can rely on before you might need them.

They become hotheads and tyrants

On the other side of the coin, there are those individuals who believe that if they can control everything and everyone in their vicinity then this will somehow mitigate the chaos of the world around them. They are people who secretly harbor fantasies of being kings during collapse. These folks are usually not very successful or well-liked in times of stability, and they long for conflict and destruction to make way for their “rebirth” so that they will receive the respect they think they always deserved.

Hotheads are a considerable liability as well, jumping headlong into strategically foolish situations and luring others into a zero-sum game. Their argument is always “If not now, then when!” As if the now and the when of a conflict are irrelevant and the fighting is all that matters. These people are the reverse of the unreliable cowards. They want blood. They want glory. They have something to prove, and they will sacrifice you and others to make this happen if the mood strikes them. Refusing to stand firm when calamity is on the horizon is a failing, but so is creating calamity because of a lack of intelligent planning. Finding people who understand the middle ground between these extremes will be a vital task for those who wish to survive and thrive during upheaval.

They become political extremists

Throughout most modern collapses, two politically extreme ideologies tend to bubble to the surface — communism and fascism. Both come from the same root psychosis, the psychosis of collectivism. However, they are expressed is somewhat different ways.

To summarize down to very simple socio-psychological terms, communism is collectivism based on the demonization of individual merit and the demonization of production based on individual gain. Communism sees individualists as anomalies that threaten the greater good of the greater number. They usually seek to remove or eliminate individualists and individualist philosophies so that the collective may succeed as a single homogenized unit. Communists steal from the strong to artificially support the weak until the strong no longer exist.

Fascism is collectivism based on the idea that the strong prevail over the weak and that the weak survive only by the good graces of the strong. While communism demands forced charity to “harmonize” the unsuccessful with the successful until they are indistinguishable, fascism demands that the unsuccessful be erased so that there is no need to harmonize. It should also be noted that fascists see those who disagree with them as a “weakness” within their master collective that must also be eliminated.

Communism and fascism have a kind escalating and abusive love affair. The more insane and pervasive communists become with their attempts to dominate language and thought, the more communists use organized mobs to control public discourse, the more other people see fascist solutions as a viable way to deal with them. Brownshirt gangs beating communists (along with many others) to death in the streets is usually one of these solutions. This is exactly what took place in Europe during the Great Depression, and it could very well happen again throughout the West.

Both ends of the spectrum make it their top priority to gain control of government so they can use it as a weapon against the other side. The reality is, behind the curtain elitists are playing both sides, encouraging the public in the delusion that they can only choose between one or the other; between communism and fascism.

Ironically, as people flock to these extremist political views, they will invariably accuse fair minded liberty activists of being the “vicious extremists.” The best liberty activists can do is to not fall into the trap of the false paradigm as well, and to fight smarter than either the communists or the fascists are capable.

They become religious zealots

Extreme political views are not the only siren song during societal breakdown. Religious zealotry is readily abundant during crisis. Zealotry is essentially fanaticism to the point of complete moral ambiguity. Everyone who does not believe the way the zealot believes is the “other,” and the other is an enemy that must be annihilated. In the realm of the zealot there is no such thing as “live and let live.” Their ideology must reign supreme without question or opposition.

Zealotry is also not limited to major religions; it is also common in the cultism of ideologies. Cultural Marxism and third wave feminism, for example, are perfect examples of a different brand of religious zealotry. There is no logic or reason behind their beliefs or worldview, and no room for dissent. They have their own taboos and their own dogma, their own high priests and their own gods (government, mother earth, etc.) Their directive is to eradicate other beliefs and ways of viewing the world as “heretical” while rationalizing what they do using their own broad interpretations of their own “religious texts.”

The ultimate goal of any zealot is to establish a theocracy, in which their belief system becomes the only known system. All other belief systems are forcibly buried and forgotten along with any people who get in the way.

They abandon their moral compass

Hollywood it seems has half the world convinced that in times of great distress, only the amoral will survive. Morally relative characters are painted as “heroic” leaders that are willing to “do what is necessary,” while people with moral foundations who do not bend the rules of conscience or natural law in spite of terrible times are painted as weak or stupid, dying in horrible ways because they refused to adopt an “every man for himself” attitude.

The truth is the complete opposite. Morally relative people when discovered are usually the first to be routed out or the first to die in survival situations because they cannot be trusted. No one wants to cooperate with them except perhaps other morally relative people. Such congregations of evil do collaborate successfully for a time based on the concept of mutual criminality for mutual gain, but eventually, they will be hunted down by those they have wronged and wiped out.

Regardless of how they rationalize their activities or the short term gains they enjoy at the onset of collapse, moral relativists have the odds stacked against them in the long run.

Fear and instability are like a radioactive stew, a Chernobyl effect that breeds strange creatures in men. We look back at our history and think that we know and understand what we are capable of, or that such tragedies could never happen again. But chaos rises anew and the shadow side of each and every human being is put to the test. In most cases, it is self-ignorance in the individual that opens the door to collective demons. That said, the conditions of collapse that triggered societal fear in the first place are many times engineered by elitist interests for the very reason that in this way the masses can be made monstrous.

We make the defeat of such elitists more possible every time we avoid the stupidity of the choices above and continue down the path of conscience, courage, truth and wisdom. When fear is made inconsequential, we cannot be manipulated. And if we cannot be manipulated into fighting shadows, or fighting each other, then the only people left to fight are the very people that originally sought to divide us.

— Brandon Smith

The post The stupid things people do when their society breaks down appeared first on Personal Liberty®.

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20,000 Massachusetts voters quit Democratic Party

(BOSTON HERALD) — Nearly 20,000 Bay State Democrats have fled the party this winter, with thousands doing so to join the Republican ranks, according to the state’s top elections official.

Secretary of State William Galvin said more than 16,300 Democrats have shed their party affiliation and become independent voters since Jan. 1, while nearly 3,500 more shifted to the MassGOP ahead of tomorrow’s “Super Tuesday” presidential primary.

Galvin called both “significant” changes that dwarf similar shifts ahead of other primary votes, including in 2000, when some Democrats flocked from the party in order to cast a vote for Sen. John McCain in the GOP primary.

The primary reason? Galvin said his “guess” is simple: “The Trump phenomenon,” a reference to GOP frontrunner Donald Trump, who polls show enjoying a massive lead over rivals Marco Rubio, Ted Cruz and others among Massachusetts Republican voters.

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Generals turn out ‘counterjihad’ blueprint for America


WASHINGTON – A plan to defeat the “global jihad movement” has been released by a team of national security experts who say it offers a blueprint for a “counterjihad security architecture for America” to confront what they call the “existential struggle of our time,” according to a new report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

The Legacy National Security Advisory Group, founded by retired Army U.S. Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely under the auspices of his StandUpAmerica organization, claims U.S. foreign policy has fallen short in setting goals for the region that encompasses the Middle East and North Africa.

“The U.S. has limited national security objectives in the MENA region, but they are important and must be precisely defined,” Vallely told G2Bulletin.

He said the objectives of the blueprint are to defend U.S. diplomatic, intelligence and military assets in the region, keep open the naval, maritime and commercial sea lanes and defend the free passage of oil and other commercial goods.

In addition, he said, the United States must make sure critical waterways such as the Strait of Hormuz, Bab al-Mandab, the Red Sea and Suez Canal are not controlled by that jihadists or other forces “hostile” to the U.S. and the West.

The plan also calls for defense and support of regional allies to include Egypt, Israel, Jordan and the Kurdish people.

In effect, Vallely said, the United States must seek a balance of power in the MENA region, rebuild the military and defeat the “global jihad movement.”

Get the rest of this report, and more, from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

In addition to Vallely, other members of the LNSAG include such national security luminaries as retired Admiral Ace Lyons, retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen. Tom McInerney, as well as former CIA officer Clare Lopez who is the vice president for research and analysis with the Washington-based Center for Security Policy, retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Dennis Haney and Vallely’s Middle East expert Nagi Najjar.

The Legacy blueprint also said it is important to help create a “balance of power” between Shiite and Sunni Islamic forces, while avoiding actions to further destabilize the region “unless compelled in defense of other core U.S. national security objectives.”

“We must understand that fashionable policies like ‘exporting democracy.’ ‘COIN (counterinsurgency) winning hearts and minds’ and ‘nation building’ are futile among societies in thrall to Islamic law (Shariah),” it said.

“Sometimes accepting local strongman rule that supports U.S. and Western interests, even though not democratic, is the lesser of two evils when the alternative would be either chaos or an Islamic jihad-and-Shariah takeover,” the document said.

It also calls for rebuilding the U.S. military “ASAP” (as soon as possible), given that sequestration has “decimated” U.S. military readiness hindering its efforts to respond effectively to “national security requirements.”

It also said that Shariah law is a threat, calling on the White House to formulate and implement a national security strategy that “defines Islamic Law (Shariah) as an enemy threat doctrine.”

“It must be a priority objective of this new National Security Strategy to deter and defeat Islamic jihad globally,” the Legacy document said. “To do that, it will be necessary that U.S. national security leadership understand that the Shariah threat is advanced by way of jihad, which may be kinetic or non-kinetic.”

Get the rest of this report, and more, from Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin.

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Hillary’s mountain of classified emails over 2,000 mark

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton

The final batch of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s emails from her personal server was released Monday by the U.S. State Department after 10 months of foot-dragging.

A slew of new classified emails were found in the 14th and final release of documents that passed through Clinton’s “home brew” setup. Of the 3,871 pages released on Monday, 261 included classified information. Out of roughly 30,000 emails reviewed by State Department officials in total, at least 2,079 contained classified information.

The ‘Stop Hillary’ campaign is on fire! Join the surging response to this theme: ‘Clinton for prosecution, not president’

The total number of “secret” emails stands 45, with 23 of those being released Monday, the Washington Times reported.

Clinton is now at the mercy of the FBI as it conducts an investigation into her handling of government documents during her time as Obama’s top diplomat. Agents will determine whether or not the Democrat presidential front-runner should be prosecuted for violating a subsection of the Espionage Act related to “gross negligence” on the job.

“[The Clinton server] matter is being handled by career independent law enforcement agents, FBI agents as well as the career attorneys in the Department of Justice,” Attorney General Loretta Lynch told Congressman John Carter, R-Texas, at a budget hearing Feb. 25. “They follow the evidence, they look at the law and they’ll make a recommendation to me when the time is appropriate.”

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Lynch’s comments came two days after a federal judge said he was tired of the “drip, drip, drip of declarations” related to the investigation into Clinton’s “stand alone” server, and said her top aides should be questioned under oath.

“This case is about the public’s right to know,” U.S. District Judge Emmet G. Sullivan said Feb. 23 regarding Freedom of Information Act lawsuits filed by Judicial Watch and other organizations.

The Republican Nation Committee poured over the treasure trove of documents released by the State Department and concluded:

  • 2,063 emails contained classified information on “foreign relations or foreign activities of the United States, including confidential sources.”
  • 1,478 emails contained classified “foreign government information.”
  • 28 emails contained classified information on “intelligence activities [including covert action], intelligence sources or methods, or cryptology.”
  • 4 emails were contained classified information on “vulnerabilities or capabilities of systems, installations, infrastructures, projects, plans, or protection services relating to the national security.”

Clinton maintains she did no wrong because the emails were not marked as classified. Intelligence experts say that is a red herring.

“It is the content that is classified – not the format it is in,” Fox chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge said Jan. 21. “To suggest to people that there is somehow a big rubber stamp with ‘classified’ that’s smacked on every document is completely misleading and that is something you only see in the movies. Mrs. Clinton knows better because she had to have special training as secretary of state because she has classification authority.”

Herridge’s reporting led to the revelation that Clinton’s server also included intelligence known as “special access programs,” or SAP. Senior lawmakers with the highest levels of security clearance had to sign additional nondisclosure agreements before viewing them, WND reported.


Hillary camp: Inspector general part of vast right-wing conspiracy

Clinton Foundation subpoenaed, Huma in crosshairs

Beyond ‘top secret’ emails found on Hillary’s server

Hillary emails so secret senior lawmakers can’t read them

Hillary camp links judge Bill appointed to GOP conspiracy

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Viguerie: Only conservatives can stop ‘narcissist’ Trump

Donald Trump (Photo: Twitter)

Donald Trump (Photo: Twitter)

Longtime conservative activist Richard Viguerie says the window of opportunity is closing fast to stop a narcissist from winning the Republican nomination, and he says only determined conservatives or Donald Trump himself can stop it from happening.

Viguerie has been a movement conservative for well over 50 years. He pioneered the use of direct mail in political campaigning. He is now chairman of Conservative HQ and is author most recently of “Takeover: The 100-Year War for the Soul of the GOP and How Conservatives Can Finally Win It.”

As voters in more than a dozen states prepare to vote on Super Tuesday, Viguerie says the non-Trump candidates are losing a game of catch-up because they refused to define Trump much earlier.

“They did not define Trump until the last few weeks,” he said. “The law of the jungle is to eat or be eaten. The law of politics is define or be defined. Republicans and conservatives failed, quite frankly, to do a proper job of defining Donald Trump.”

Richard Viguerie sees a winning formula for the U.S. How to “TAKE OVER” the GOP – and the country!

In last week’s GOP debate, both Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz went after Trump, and that has spilled over onto the campaign trail. Rubio is getting more attention as he uses some of Trump’s own tactics against him while Cruz has stuck largely to policy differences. Viguerie said jokes about Trump’s spray tan and other characteristics is not the kind of defining that needs to be done.

“That’s irrelevant. What does that have to do with anything?” Viguerie asked. “We’re talking about electing a man (Trump) potentially who may have serious psychological problems. I think he’s a serious narcissist. That should be frightening to America to put a narcissistic person in charge of our nuclear arsenal.”

He continued, “I’m just very concerned about his mental stability and his moral background, or lack thereof, which he brags about. He has no grounds that drive him morally.”

Listen to the WND/Radio America interview with Richard Viguerie:

But while Viguerie believes Trump is definitely the wrong choice for president, he said the voter passion driving Trump’s success is intense and legitimate.

“They are white hot with anger at our leaders in this country, particularly Washington Republican leaders. The Republican primary voters are just furious,” he said. “They’re angry at the lies, the betrayal of the Republican leaders. They’re the ones that created Donald Trump. They can’t do anything about it now. Only the conservatives [can].”

In addition to labeling Trump a narcissist, Viguerie also calls the front-runner a “pro-business liberal Democrat” and encourages conservative candidates and activists to do the same.

Viguerie said, of the three best-performing GOP candidates, Trump is obviously in the best position to win, followed by Cruz. He said Rubio is longest shot of the three.

“Trump’s base is his dollars, his billfold of $10 billion,” he explained. “Rubio is the establishment candidate, and he didn’t have that base until recently. He’s been going up in the polls because the Washington establishment Republicans are moving his direction, and Cruz’s base, of course, is the conservative movement.

“That’s what makes Cruz such a formidable opponent for Trump, because conservatives make up the vast majority of primary voters.”

Viguerie not only admits Trump is a heavy favorite right now, but also that the options moving forward look bleak for grassroots conservatives. He said even if Republicans can somehow stop Trump at a brokered convention, Trump’s supporters would be so disillusioned that Democrats would have a big edge heading into the fall.

But not as big of an advantage, he said, if Trump is the nominee. He said the recent David Duke flap is an example of controversies that would doom Trump in the general election.

And that’s not all.

“When the Democrat machine spends a billion dollars on defining him if he were to be the nominee, he would be hard-pressed to get 40 percent of the vote in November,” Viguerie said. “There’s no way Donald Trump can be elected after the Democrats get through defining him.”

Richard Viguerie sees a winning formula for the U.S. How to “TAKE OVER” the GOP – and the country!

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GOP panic: Will Trump steamroll through Super Tuesday?


Call it panic day for the Republican establishment: GOP front-runner Donald Trump is expected to tighten his grip on the party’s nomination on Tuesday, the most important day yet in the 2016 election.

Both Republicans and Democrats are facing off on Super Tuesday, a group of more than a dozen primaries and caucuses. Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont and Virginia will hold primaries for both parties. Alaska will hold a GOP caucus, and American Samoa will caucus for Democrats. Colorado will also hold a caucus for both parties, but Republicans have chosen not to hold a straw poll, so GOP delegates will decide at the national convention.

And it’s possible Trump could win as many as 10 Super Tuesday contests.

Predictions from the search engine Bing have Trump and Clinton each sweeping all Super Tuesday states except the home states of their chief rivals. Republican candidate Ted Cruz is expected to take Texas, and Democrat candidate Bernie is likely to win Vermont.

Even Trump’s GOP rivals are expecting a big night for the billionaire.

“Nobody’s going to win but Trump,” Republican candidate John Kasich told CNN on Thursday.

“Right now, Donald Trump has enormous momentum,” Cruz said Friday. “If he continues with that momentum and powers through and wins everywhere on Super Tuesday, he could easily be unstoppable.”

Trump and Clinton are dominating their respective races, according to a CNN poll that has Trump scoring 49 percent of the primary vote and Clinton grabbing 55 percent.

“On Tuesday, you have a big day,” Trump said at a Tennessee rally on Saturday, urging his supporters to vote even if they are dying or their spouses suddenly decided to dump them.

“You get up, you go to the polls, and you vote!” he said. “I promise you, that you are going to look back on this night and you are going to say this was a very important night … a very important evening in your life.”

Also, Trump has a lock on Georgia and Tennessee, while Cruz is leading in Texas – Super Tuesday’s “crown jewel” with 155 delegates – according to a trio of new NBC News/Wall Street Journal/Marist polls.

The polls’ Georgia results are as follows: Trump, 30; Cruz, 23; Marco Rubio, 23; Ben Carson, 9; John Kasich, 9.

Tennessee results: Trump, 40; Cruz, 22; Rubio, 19; Carson, 9; Kasich, 6.

And in Texas: Cruz, 39; Trump, 26; Rubio, 16; Carson, 8; Kasich, 6.

While Cruz has a solid lead in Texas, his make-or-break moment comes Tuesday.

“If Cruz doesn’t win Texas, it’s game over for him,” Phillip Stutts, a Republican political consultant, told CNN. “Rubio doesn’t doesn’t have to win, but Cruz has to.”

Rubio won’t face his must-win home state primary in Florida until March 15. After that date, states will begin assigning delegates on a winner-take-all basis.

If Trump manages to build a strong delegate lead before March 15, first-place finishes in winner-take-all primaries such as Florida and Ohio could give him the Republican nomination.

For Republicans, 595 delegates are at stake in 11 states. For Democrats, there are 865 delegates in a dozen states. To win their party nominations, GOP candidates need 1,237 delegates, and Democrats need 2,383.


Democrat front-runner Hillary Clinton is expected to bring in at least 200 more delegates than Bernie Sanders on Tuesday, as polls show Clinton with solid leads in the South. The following fives states are said to be securely in Clinton’s camp: Alabama, Georgia, Texas, Arkansas and Virginia. Sanders will have a better shot in Vermont, Minnesota, Colorado and Massachusetts. FiveThirtyEight’s Nate Silver says Sanders must do well in Oklahoma and Tennessee to stay in the running for the nomination.

Even if Sanders performs well, he may still face insurmountable odds against Clinton. That’s because 712 of the 4,763 delegates who vote at the Democratic Party convention are superdelegates – establishment insiders who are free to lend their support to the candidate of their choice irrespective of the vote. As WND reported earlier this month, despite being the victim of a popular vote landslide in the New Hampshire primary, Clinton was actually the winner when it came to the number of delegates earned.


Super Tuesday results are expected to begin arriving by 8 p.m. EST, after polls close in Alabama, Georgia, Virginia and Vermont. The latest results will come early Wednesday, as the Alaska and Wyoming caucuses close after 12 p.m. EST.

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Republican senator: Vote 3rd party if Trump is nominee

Donald Trump (Photo: Twitter)

Donald Trump (Photo: Twitter)

U.S. Sen. Ben Sasse, a Republican from Nebraska, isn’t hesitant to talk about how he has not been favored by the Republican hierarchy in Washington.

He was an outsider when elected and makes no bones about it.

But he is equally clear that he cannot support another thorn in the side of the GOP power structure, an outsider who is creating tidal waves in the party.

“Please understand: I’m not an establishment Republican, and I will never support Hillary Clinton. I’m a movement conservative who was elected over the objections of the GOP establishment. My current answer for who I would support in a hypothetical matchup between Mr. Trump and Mrs. Clinton is: Neither of them. I sincerely hope we select one of the other GOP candidates, but if Donald Trump ends up as the GOP nominee, conservatives will need to find a third option,” he said in a new Open Letter to Trump Supporters.

The statement follows on the heels of an endorsement by Sen. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., of Trump, and illustrates the striking divide that the GOP is facing in its primary for president this year.

Sasse posted his opposition just as the Super Tuesday primaries and caucuses were looming, and KETV in Nebraska noted his inability to support Trump, a New York billionaire who is leading across most of the GOP primary polls.

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Sasse said, “The Trump coalition is broad and complicated, but I believe many Trump fans are well-meaning. I have spoken at length with many of you, both inside and outside Nebraska. You are rightly worried about our national direction. You ache about a crony-capitalist leadership class that is not urgent about tackling our crises. You are right to be angry.”

He cited Trump’s “relentless focus” on dividing Americans, and “on tearing down rather than building back up this glorious nation. Much like President Obama, he displays essentially no understanding of the fact that, in the American system, we have a constitutional system of checks and balances, with three separate but co-equal branches of government. And the task of public officials is to be public ‘servants.’ The law is king, and the people are boss. But have you noticed how Mr. Trump uses the word ‘reign’ – like he thinks he’s running for king? It’s creepy, actually. Nebraskans are not looking for a king. We yearn instead for the recovery of a constitutional republic.”

He explained his perspective, pointing out that he’s not a career politician, a lawyer, or part of the establishment.

“In my very first speech to the Senate, I told my colleagues that ‘The people despise us all.’ This institution needs to get to work, not on the lobbyists’ priorities, but on the people’s.”

He described America simply as “the most exceptional nation in the history of the world because our Constitution is the best political document that’s ever been written. It said something different than almost any other government had said before: Most governments before said that might makes right, that government decides what our rights are and that the people are just dependent subjects. Our Founders said that God gives us rights by nature, and that government is not the author or source of our rights. Government is just our shared project to secure those rights.”

So he cited the questions that are raised by a number of statements from Trump, including “When the students poured into Tiananmen Square, the Chinese government almost blew it. They were vicious, they were horrible, but they put it down with strength. That shows you the power of strength. Our country is right now perceived as weak…,’ ‘Putin, who has killed journalists and is pillaging Ukraine, is a great leader,’ ‘The editor of National Review ‘should not be allowed on TV and the FCC should fine him,” and on the Internet: ‘I would certainly be open to closing areas.’”

That means if Trump is the GOP nominee, “my expectation is that I will look for some third candidate – a conservative option, a constitutionalist.”

“I suspect I am far from alone. After listening to Nebraskans in recent weeks, and talking to a great many people who take oaths seriously, I think many are in the same place. I believe a sizable share of Christians – who regard threats against religious liberty as arguably the greatest crisis of our time – are unwilling to support any candidate who does not make a full-throated defense of the First Amendment a first commitment of their candidacy,” Sasse wrote.

Columnists also were divided.

Conservative icon Pat Buchanan wrote in a commentary on WND that whatever else develops, “a new Republican Party is taking shape.”

“[Trump’s] probable nomination, and a chance for the GOP to take it all in the fall, is causing some conservatives and Republicans to threaten to bolt, go third party, stay home, or even vote for Clinton. They would prefer to lose to Clinton than win with Trump,” he wrote.

“We hear wails that the nomination of Trump would mean the end of the conservative movement. But how so? If Trump won and conducted a conservative government, it would validate the movement. If Trump won and turned left, it would inspire an insurgency like Ronald Reagan’s in 1976, when the Ford-Rockefeller-Kissinger administration moved too far toward detente. If Trump ran and lost, the conservative movement would have President Clinton to unite and rally the troops against.”

He continued, “Whatever happens at Cleveland, [where the GOP convention will be] the returns from the primaries look like the passing of the old order, the death rattle of an establishment fighting for its life, and being laughed at and mocked as it goes down.”

Commentator Thomas Sowell, a senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, however, said the GOP may end up putting forward a candidate who is “a glib egomaniac with a checkered record in business and no track record at all in government — Donald Trump. ”

“If so, the downward trajectory of America over the past seven years may well continue on into the future, to the point of no return.”

He continued, “On the campaign trail, Donald Trump’s theatrical talents, including his bluster and bombast, may be enough to conceal his shallow understanding of very deep problems. But that will not cut it in the White House, where you cannot clown or con your way out of problems, and where the stakes are matters of life and death.”

WND reported over the weekend Sessions’ endorsement.

The tea party icon said, “We are in a movement that must not fade away. The bosses are you. The people in Washington are public servants and they serve you.”

It was viewed as a blow to the candidacies of two other senators, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, who once worked on Congress’ “Gang of Eight” immigration plan.

Sessions said that would never become reality under Trump.

“There is an opportunity this year, Tuesday, and we have the opportunity, we have an opportunity Tuesday. It may be the last opportunity we have for the people’s voice to be heard. You have asked for 30 years, and politicians have promised for 30 years to fix illegal immigration,” Sessions said.

“The American people have known for years these trade agreements have not been working for them,” Sessions stumped. “We now have and will soon have a vote on the Transpacific Partnership TPP), Obamatrade, and it will damage America. It will create a commission that undermines our sovereignty, and it should not pass. Donald Trump when he gets elected president will see it does not pass.”

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Trump already had the endorsements of former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, Maine Gov. Paul LePage, former Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer, as well as Reps. Duncan Hunter, R-Calif., and Rep. Chris Collins R-N.Y. noted, “But all those endorsements pale in comparison to Sessions’ backing of Trump, as the Alabamian senator is universally respected – and feared – inside the beltway in Washington. Sessions is known for his tough views on immigration and trade and has repeatedly aimed to push the Republican Party in a more populist, nationalist direction. Sessions has helped frame the movement’s views on both issues – and more, like courts and judicial nominations, law and order and police matters, and on budgetary issues and the fiscal well-being of America – while maintaining a formidable political and policy operation that his allies view as invaluable and his enemies dread.”

Ira Stoll at the New York Sun said he wasn’t losing any sleep either way.

He cited a recent comparison by Harvard professor and Washington Post columnist Danielle Allen between the rise of Trump and the rise of Adolf Hitler.

“She is hardly the only one drawing that analogy. I did so myself back in September of 2015. Certainly, the last thing one wants to do is repeat the error of those who ignored or minimized the threat of Hitler until it was too late,” Stoll wrote.

“I’m not telling anyone not to panic. But myself, I am just taking a deep breath or two and relaxing. I will probably get called a Trump enabler, or worse, for saying so. Alas, telling people to calm down doesn’t generate the clicks or television ratings that the Trump panic does. But here – to help you sleep better, if nothing else – is a case that the alarm over Trump is probably overstated.”

He notes the “Hitler hype” largely is unwarranted. And by the way, Trump hasn’t won yet.

He pointed out Bill Clinton campaigned on middle class tax cuts and jacked up taxes, and George W. Bush campaigned on humility in foreign policy and provided the Iraq war.

“Barack Obama campaigned against the individual mandate of Hillary Clinton’s health insurance plan, but Obamacare wound up including precisely such a mandate,” he said. “I don’t expect to be voting for Mr. Trump. But I am not losing sleep over him, either.”



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Alternative noninvasive cancer treatment with no pain and little discomfort

Did I tell you about how I almost forfeited my trip to Germany to receive treatment for my BPH (benign prostate hypertrophy) because some “alternative” Germans were insisting on an androgen blockade?

It seemed they thought that if one had BPH, there was prostate cancer and it would need a standard treatment.

I did, at the 11th hour, get them to call off androgen blockade before I left the United States for Germany. And the radio wave procedure I had was very successful, giving me relief to this day.

I arrived at St. George Clinic and Hospital in Bad Aibling, Germany, in early August and stayed for 10 days.

I did only one treatment as recommended for my BPH.

My intention was to reduce blockage and destroy any possible cancer naturally. The procedure lasted three hours with very little discomfort, and I had an almost immediate improvement with full benefit within six weeks.

This is the exact same procedure they use for localized prostate cancer.

Just think: no cut, burn or poison as with prostate therapy in the U.S., and no incontinence or impotency.

I would classify St. George’s Biomedical Center for Men’s Health as being outside of the pharmaceutical cancer industry. I consider its goal to be healing cancer patients, and it is part of the Cancer Cure Foundation (

“Cancer therapy” in the U.S. is an industry in pursuit of commerce. Most patients die within about a year after going through the U.S. oncology torture chamber.

St. George’s treatment has a marked effect on quick pain reduction. Patients on high doses of morphine no longer need pain medications. St. George is a complementary treatment facility because it uses alternative medicine, including nutrition coupled in some cases with conventional medicine.

Its noninvasive, complementary practice uses hyperthermia, electrotherapy and some forms of low-dose chemotherapy on some patients, and natural nutrients on an ongoing basis for maintenance.

Hyperthermia is the treatment of cancer with heat. At St. George, they use both whole-body heat in the case of metastasized cancer and local hyperthermia directed straight to the tissue or organ affected by the tumor or cancer.

These treatments are noninvasive, and there is no pain and very little discomfort with the procedures.

How does it work? Simply explained, heat kills cancer cells and does not affect healthy cells. This treatment is highly successful. St. George is an approved hospital and some insurance companies in the U.S. will reimburse, I am told. But I wouldn’t count on it because this therapy is not approved by the FDA in the U.S. I am so glad because if it were approved by the FDA, I would not give it any credibility.

I was also instructed to keep up my levels of testosterone by taking male-appropriate doses of a natural substance most people think of as reserved for women: progesterone.

The truth about hormones and the prostate

Enlarged men’s breasts with aging is a signal of estrogen dominance and not only low testosterone but low progesterone. All studies show that estrogen rises in men and women with age. This must be balanced with progesterone and testosterone, along with diet, for both sexes and specific prostate nutrients for men. Yes, testosterone for women is important, too, but women need only 1/10 as much as men.

Conventional medicine in the United States has nothing good to offer you if something goes wrong with your prostate. Increasing longevity has caused the evolvement of prostate enlargement (BPH) and prostate cancer, and along with them, the evolvement of a male cancer industry.

The first thing they want you to do is get “screened.” This friendly sounding procedure is the perfect way to get you to “see your doctor,” where you are told about drugs and surgery. Yet according to new research from the British Medical Journal, cancer screening has never been proven to save even one life.

Screening leads exclusively to the only therapies they offer: radiation, chemotherapy and surgery, their same “approved” solution to all other cancers.

Unfortunately, these lead to impotence and incontinence (constant leaking) in many, many cases, and even loss of length. Almost no one is told that these are probable results, according to a new study published in the BJUI, which is the official journal of the British Association of Urological Surgeons. More than half of the patients were completely unaware and surprised at the lasting sexual side effects.

Conventional medicine has a basic procedure in prostate cancer that defies logic, common sense and biochemistry. It’s called an androgen blockade. That means killing off or blocking testosterone production. The problem is this is essentially ineffective against prostate cancer.

“Conventional medicine ignores the fact that at the age of highest testosterone levels (age 18 to 50) prostate cancer rarely, if ever, occurs. Prostate cancer occurs because testosterone and progesterone levels fall with age as estradiol (estrogen) levels rise, leading to estrogen dominance in older men. The same mechanism that causes breast and endometrial cancer in women, causes prostate cancer in men.” From Hormone Balance For Men by John R. Lee, M.D., a Harvard-trained physician and leading medical authority on natural progesterone.

Testosterone is “the substance of life” and does not cause prostate cancer; it prevents it with aging. A rise in estrogen levels with aging causes prostate swelling, the proliferation of prostate cells, BPH and cancer. Estrogen begins to dominate, and testosterone depletes with age.

This is the key to understanding BPH and prostate cancer as a hormone imbalance.

Estradiol stimulates the BCL2 gene. This gene’s responsibility is to stop cell death. Seems like a good thing, until you consider that when cell death in the prostate is blocked, cells continue to grow out of control. This enlarges the prostate and contributes to the development of prostate cancer.

You can offset this risk with a solution that is something else that men are not told about: progesterone. Progesterone not only stimulates the action of the cancer preventive gene p53, but also helps maintain testosterone, which is a direct antagonist to estrogen and its effects on your prostate.

The prostate gland is the first victim of hormone imbalance and nutritional deficiency, but the same hormone imbalance that causes prostate cancer also causes breast cancer.

Can we overcome the threat of cancer naturally?

The decline of testosterone and progesterone with age brings on heart disease, higher LDL cholesterol, triglycerides, lower HDL cholesterol, high blood pressure, abnormal heart rhythms and angina, insulin resistance, muscle and bone weakness, depression, loss of mental acuity, abdominal weight gain and, of course, prostate disease.

The protocol for hormone balance calls only for physiological doses of testosterone and progesterone. No synthetic hormones at all are recommended and no drugs. The nutritional protocol for cancer is also all-natural.

You should regularly use a men’s progesterone cream if you are over 40, and it will even benefit you if you are over 30. Look for a formula that contains prostate-healthy extracts like saw palmetto oil and pumpkin seed oil.

There should be at least .7 percent natural progesterone USP, which means each 1/4 teaspoon of the cream should have about 8.25 milligrams of progesterone—about half the dosage recommended for women.

You must also remember that progesterone is a hormone and that hormones are very powerful actors inside our bodies, so it needs to be used very cautiously. Monitor your progesterone levels with a simple saliva test each year. Your saliva value should be below 300. If it is above that, you must wait for it to come back down again, as progesterone is stored in fat and can take a while to be released.

This level of progesterone will offset estradiol and increase the effectiveness of testosterone, which makes men different from women and little boys. And it is the decline of testosterone with age that turns strong, vital, healthy, alert men into fragile, chronically ill, mentally dull old codgers who haven’t had an erection in decades and couldn’t care less.

“Orthodox” treatments for your prostate are far worse than any prostate disease. Like lemmings to the sea, men by the millions line up for prostate specific antigen (PSA) tests and biopsies because this is what doctors tell them to do.

The purpose of PSA tests and biopsies is to channel you into surgery and drugs. When the doctor says “we need to test,” he is selling you to support the medical system.

If you want to stay healthy and cancer-free, you need a dose of healthy skepticism about prostate cancer and the mainstream’s androgen blockades, drugs and surgery. In fact, not only should you ask questions; but if you want answers as to what your alternatives are, you should click here to get a copy of my book, The Forbidden Truth About Cancer.

The print copies sold out after my end-of-the-year book blowout. But I have set up a special page so that you can order and download it immediately. When you do, turn directly to page 12 and you’ll get the whole truth about your prostate, how to avoid cancer—or worse than cancer, “orthodox” cancer treatment!—and what to do to become healthier instead of a victim of the mainstream’s downward treatment spiral. Click here now for the truth about cancer!

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Obamacare enters final stages of collapse

Obamacare has cost the nation billions of dollars and continues to be the source of administrative headaches for government. And according to polling, very few Americans believe the president’s healthcare overhaul has been at all helpful to their situations.

According to polling data out from National Public Radio and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, most Americans—56 percent— report that they haven’t really noticed anything different about their insurance situations since the passage of Obamacare.

Among those who have been affected by the law, far more say it has hurt than do report being helped by the law.

Twenty-six percent of people polled said they feel as though they’ve been personally harmed by the healthcare law.

Only 15 percent of respondents said Obamacare has helped them.

This is bad news for the president’s healthcare overhaul, especially as officials report that eight of the remaining 11 state Obamacare co-ops are at serious risk of collapse in the year ahead.

To date, 12 co-ops have already been shuttered due to mismanagement and poor participation.

During a recent appearance before House Oversight and Government Reform lawmakers, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services chief of staff Mandy Cohen said the remaining co-ops are “being monitored closely.”

When pressed, Cohen was short on details about the remaining co-ops.

Some lawmakers were understandably incredulous following her report.

“Half of them are collapsed—closed—your term, costing the taxpayer over a billion dollars, of the [11] that are left you can’t tell me which ones you’ve visited or haven’t visited, what the enrollment projections are, and if they are meeting their enrollment projections—whether they are profitable or not,” Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) said. “That’s the kind of stuff we wanted to know in this hearing.”

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Kill cash? Only if you want to kill freedom, says law professor

Glenn Reynolds, a law professor and regular contributor to Instapundit, says calls to begin weakening the power of cash by doing away with large bills means killing the currency of freedom.

We told you about the recent interest in eliminating large forms of currency here a couple weeks ago.

Here’s a little refresher:

Larry Summers, an ex-treasury secretary who served as an economic advisor to the Obama administration, argues in a recent Washington Post blog that large bills such as the U.S.’s $100 and the European Union’s 500-euro bills aid in corruption and criminal activity throughout the world.

His rather simplistic basis for the argument: Large sums of money consisting of big bills weigh less than if they were made up of smaller currency denominations.

To make it harder for criminals to move money unnoticed, Summers is calling for “a global agreement to stop issuing notes worth more than say $50 or $100.”

In a recent USA Today rebuttal to Summers’ idea, Reynolds reiterates why this would be a very, very bad plan.

He writes:

The Federal Reserve and various other financial regulatory bodies were sold politically in no small part as protections against inflation. But inflation has run rampant. According to the inflation calculator, today’s $100 bill is worth only as much as $4.18 in 1913, the year the Federal Reserve was established. When you realize that inflation helps debtors and that governments are the world’s biggest debtors, this makes a certain amount of sense — for them.

But at a time when, almost no matter where you look in the world, the parts of it controlled by the experts and technocrats (like Larry Summers) seem to be doing badly, it seems reasonable to ask: Why give them still more control over the economy? What reason is there to think that they’ll use that control fairly, or even competently? Their track record isn’t very impressive.

Cash has a lot of virtues. One of them is that it allows people to engage in voluntary transactions without the knowledge or permission of anyone else. Governments call this suspicious, but the rest of us call it something else: Freedom.

In other words, cash is an important tool if you value the modicum of financial freedom you have left in a world where wealth is increasingly thought of as easy to track numbers on a screen.
if you want to know more, Bob Livingston recently wrote an extremely informative article about the powerful voices behind efforts to take away cash as an option for average Americans: Why there’s a war on cash; it’s about central banks consolidating power

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Reporter grabs Secret Service agent’s throat at Trump rally

(BREITBART) — According to The Independent Journal’s congressional reporter Joe Perticone, the man holding the camera in the video below is a journalist. Perticone writes, “Secret Service agent choke slams reporter. ” The video doesn’t show that, but it does show this reporter kicking the agent from an apparent defensive position.

Nevertheless, once whatever happened between the two men is over, and both are standing, watch the reporter suddenly reach out and grab the Secret Service agent’s throat.

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