Gay “marriage” advocates – aka the sodomite lobby – have long claimed that those who disagree with their perverse lifestyle have nothing to fear from them. All they want, they claim, is to be left to live their lives (and loves) in peace, like everyone else.
They then promptly go out and use the power of government and a bullying media to force their lifestyle on others.
On Wednesday the radically leftwing website Buzzfeed focused its sights on HGTV hosts Chip and Joanna Gaines, building a strawman in order to make war on Christians. The column by the obviously anti-Christian bigot Buzzfeed “reporter” Kate Aurthur, fails to even rise to the level of shoddy journalism.
The column is headlined, “Chip and Joanna Gaines’ Church is firmly against same-sex marriage.” But it reveals it’s nothing more than strawman and “guilt by association” in the subhead which reads, “Their pastor considers homosexuality to be a ‘sin’ caused by abuse — whether the Fixer Upper couple agrees is unclear.” It’s only unclear because Aurthur failed to even ask them.
Of course, it’s perfectly reasonable for a “church” and its preacher and for all Christians to be “firmly against same-sex marriage.” Marriage is defined by God in Genesis 2:24 and affirmed by Christ in Matthew 19:5 and Mark 10:8 as being the union of a man and woman.
What is unreasonable and unscriptural is for someone who calls himself a Christian to find its practice acceptable.
Many sodomites seeking to find justification for their sin claim Jesus never mentioned “gay marriage” and, therefore, never condemned it. But in affirming what marriage was, Christ eliminated what marriage wasn’t.
Jesus spoke several times about fornication, which is a general word covering unlawful (that is God’s law) sexual intercourse outside of its rightful place in the marriage of one man and one woman. He called sex outside lawful marriage “sexual immorality” in Matthew 5:32 and Matthew 19:1-9. That clearly covers sex between same sex couples and sex between unmarried heterosexual couples — whether adultery or fornication.
Jesus also told the disciples in John 14:16-17 that there were concepts and principles he would not address that would be addressed by the Holy Spirit, which would guide the disciples to “all truth.” The Holy Spirit guided the authors of the New Testament, so the epistles are an extension of Jesus’ — and, therefore, God’s — teaching.
If one dismisses the epistles, or any of the books of the New Testament, then he doesn’t believe Jesus and is not a Christian, whatever his claims to the contrary.
In writing about homosexuality in Romans 1 (calling it a shameless act) and 1 Corinthians 6 (saying those who practice it will not inherit the kingdom), Paul was writing the word of God as given him by the Holy Spirit, which was by extension the message of Christ. (1 Corinthians 14:36-38)
But Paul also wrote that those who “suppress the truth” or “ignore God’s righteous decree” of the truth and “give approval” to those who practice sexual immorality — or to a host of other sins mentioned in Scripture — are just as guilty as those who practice it.
Now back to the Buzzfeed hate/hit piece. Aurthur’s calumnious screed is so biased and nonsensical that even the pro-sodomy Washington Post opined against it – calling it dangerous — as did Ross Douthat of The New York Times.
So what if the Gaines agree with their preacher? Is it now a litmus test that one cannot remain employed or in business for himself if he doesn’t not succumb to the sodomite point of view? Apparently so, for there are many examples. Here are a few:
- Baronelle Stutzman, the 70-year-old Washington state florist who declined to provide flowers for the “wedding” of two men because, as a Christian, she held a fundamental belief that a wedding is to be a union of a man and woman. Benton County Superior Court Judge Alex Ekstrom decided that the men’s “rights” to be served by a business trumped Stutzman’s rights to set the rules of her supposed voluntary transactions and abide by her faith. So she was sued by the state attorney general. This is a clear violation of her religious liberty and her rights of free association.
- Aaron and Melissa Klein, owners of an Oregon bakery called Sweet Cakes by Melissa. They drew the ire of the gay rights crowd when in January 2013 they declined to make a cake for the so-called “wedding” of two women: Rachel Cryer and Laurel Bowman. The Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries have fined, attorneyed and sued them out of business. This is a clear violation of the Klein’s rights of religious liberty and free association.
- Masterpiece Cakeshop owner Jack Phillips declined to bake a cake for Charlie Craig and David Mullins when he learned it was to celebrate their “gay” marriage. Phillips opposes homosexuality on religious grounds, and he decided that providing a cake for the couple would violate his conscience. Colorado didn’t then recognize gay marriages, but the men had “married” in Massachusetts. Administrative law judge Robert N. Spencer ruled Masterpiece Cakeshop discriminated against the men “because of their sexual orientation by refusing to sell them a wedding cake for their same-sex marriage.” He ordered the shop to “cease and desist from discriminating” but did not impose fines in the case. However, he made it clear that businesses would face penalties if they turn away gay couples for religious reasons. Again, this a blatant violation of Phillips’ rights guaranteed by the 1st Amendment.
- Elane Huguenin, owner of Elane’s photography, in 2006 cited her Christian beliefs as a reason to decline to photograph a ceremony for Vanessa Willock. The New Mexico Supreme Court ruled she could not refuse to photograph the ceremony even though gay marriages were not then legal in the state. This is another violation of the store owner’s rights under the 1st and 14th Amendments (at least).
- JavaScript programming language creator and Mozilla co-founder Brendan Eich was drummed out of his position at Mozilla by the tolerance crowd after it was revealed he contributed to Prop 8 in 2008, which banned same-sex “marriage” in California.
- Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson was suspended by the A&E Network over comments he made about homosexual “marriage” in a GQ interview.
- Chick-Fil-A COO Dan T. Cathy came under fire in June 2012 following public comments that he made opposing same-sex “marriage.” The sodomite lobby tried to boycott the company out of business or force the Cathy’s to promote sodomite causes and a number of city officials vowed to block Chick-Fil-A restaurants from coming to their communities. These last three are examples of the bullying of social justice warrior crowd and their enabling media.
The sodomite lobby and their PC, tolerance crowd enablers tell us everyone must be tolerant of “alternate lifestyles” and gay “marriage” and non-Christian religious practices. They create out of whole cloth hate crimes and thought crimes in order to enforce their “tolerance.”
But the tolerance crowd does not tolerate opinions that don’t bow before their orthodoxy and they use government, the courts and a bullying media to force their will on others.
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