Monday, 28 November 2016

CNN poll: 8 in 10 want Trump to push Dem policies

(CNN) — After a bruising presidential election featuring the two least liked major-party candidates in recent history, more than 8-in-10 Americans say the country is more deeply divided on major issues this year than in the past several years, according to a new CNN/ORC poll. And more than half say they are dissatisfied with the way democracy is working in the US.

The poll’s findings, released Sunday, also suggest a sizable minority personally agree with both parties on at least some issues, and nearly 8-in-10 overall hope to see the GOP-controlled government incorporate some Democratic policies into its agenda.

The public is evenly split on whether single-party control of government — with Republicans at the helm in both the White House and Congress — is good or bad for the country, with 49% on each side of that question. Almost 8-in-10, however, say the Republicans should make an effort to include Democratic policies in any legislation they pass rather than sticking to a GOP-driven agenda.

from PropagandaGuard

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